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Mental to take offence?


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Been there, Done that, got the backward facing T-shirt.

It was a dark time but im through it now and functioning properly again.

Oh, and theres no shame in it either. Its no different to any other illness imo.

You break your leg you got the the hospital.

You break your brain, you go to a different hospital.


But not in other peoples opinion that is where the problem is.

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But not in other peoples opinion that is where the problem is.


Screw other peoples opinions. You know, thats the one thing that kept me ill for so long. I cared what other people thought about me. It drove me mad, literally.

As soon as i got a bit of perspective and realised these nomarks who were judging me didnt matter a bit, i started to make progress. Within 2 months i was out of hospital and in 6 months i was out of the house on a regular basis again. then i got work, lost that job, got another, lost that too but the 3rd was right for me and im still there now.

I simply dont care how other people see me.

If you dont like me then thats your problem, not mine :)


---------- Post added 26-09-2013 at 11:43 ----------


When TV channel Dave shows repeats of I'm Alan Partidge, they've now edited out the bit where he shouts "No way you big spastic, you're a mentalist" to his fan Jed.


I know, its a gutless thing to do.

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Wheres the insult?

Is this where you make one up, get all offended over nothing?

Look, im not arguing with you, just pointing out the stupidity of your reply.

And the inaccuracy of it.


oooh, there you go, i used the word stupidity, you can now pretend im calling you stupid and then hit me with the B bomb.



What's with the attitude? We're discussing something and you're making the fact that I'm an admin a reason to try to bait me about that.


Did I place a warning? No.

Did I try to tell you that my opinion was right and yours was wrong? No.


I am a user of this forum as well as the manager and I have as much right as you to post on threads. Get over it.

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Screw other peoples opinions. You know, thats the one thing that kept me ill for so long. I cared what other people thought about me. It drove me mad, literally.

As soon as i got a bit of perspective and realised these nomarks who were judging me didnt matter a bit, i started to make progress. Within 2 months i was out of hospital and in 6 months i was out of the house on a regular basis again. then i got work, lost that job, got another, lost that too but the 3rd was right for me and im still there now.

I simply dont care how other people see me.


Whilst you might not care how other people see you, you've got to realise that not everybody with a mental health issue is going to feel the same way.


As there's still a stigma about admitting that you have a problem, it's not particularly helpful to keep spreading unhelpful stereotypes about dangerous psychos and loony bins.

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Former footballer Stan Collymore, who has had a well-documented fight with Depression


Why not, he seems to have had a fight with everyone else. Hope Depression put up more of a struggle than the girlfriends he's knocked about.



while Tesco's orange boiler suit offered to "complete the look" with a machete


I thought U.S. prisoners wore orange boilers suits?

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Similarly with Coca Cola who had to apologise for having 'YOU RETARD' on their bottles.



Unfortunately multi national corporations like Asda and Coca Cola are so cash strapped their Cheif Executives and marketing teams aren't paid enough money to realise that such gimmicks as a blood soaked costume with fake meat cleaver labelled 'psycho' isn't going to cause offence. :roll:

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I think that the issue is more to do with the titles given to the costumes. If they were called 'homicidal idiot' rather than 'mental patient' then I don't think that anybody would have a problem with them.


That's my own thoughts. I know plenty of people who have worn or would wear such an outfit for Halloween. Last time I did such a thing it was a "mad scientist" outfit.


However, I think most of those people would not describe such garb as a "mental patient" outfit. "Psycho outfit" or "escaped convict" outfit maybe but not mental patient.

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