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Mental to take offence?


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You accused me of insulting you.

Id say that puts the 'whats with the attitude' question firmly at your door.


No I didn't. I said that disagreeing with me is fine, but crossing the line into insults isn't. I didn't say that you HAD crossed the line- I said that you knew where that line was.

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Oh do try harder dear boy.

To get a bite you need to be imaginative, original and witty.


sort of puts you out of the running a bit i know.


I'm just wondering why an ex psycho is getting all tetchy when in reality the condition is comparable to a headache or a cold. Maybe the mental scares go deeper but you just don't know.

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I suspect that the reason that the mental health charities are getting excercised about this is because they are counting upon the corporate giants stumping up a wedge of cash to absolve their guilt and restore their reputation in the public eye.


Said cash will then be used to fund salary increases and new Audi's for the "charities" officials.


Moral outrage has never been more profitable.

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Other breaking news...


Paramount Pictures has issued an appology for the offence caused by its' film 'Pyscho'. Their spokeswoman, Polly Getic, said "We're really sorry and are looking to rename the film as soon as possible. We would really appreciate the help of the public in find an appropirate, non-offence name and invite people to put forward their suggestions... answers on a postcard please".


I think we should do a Sheffield Forum entry... any ideas?


You are kidding about this one aren't you?

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I suspect that the reason that the mental health charities are getting excercised about this is because they are counting upon the corporate giants stumping up a wedge of cash to absolve their guilt and restore their reputation in the public eye.


Said cash will then be used to fund salary increases and new Audi's for the "charities" officials.


Moral outrage has never been more profitable.


You weren't on the same ward as maxtor were you?

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I suspect that the reason that the mental health charities are getting excercised about this is because they are counting upon the corporate giants stumping up a wedge of cash to absolve their guilt and restore their reputation in the public eye.


Said cash will then be used to fund salary increases and new Audi's for the "charities" officials.


Moral outrage has never been more profitable.


I disagree that this is their motivation. Such charities who work with people who suffer mental health difficulties often find that stigma makes the person's life 10x worse.


That you ascribe pecuniary motives says more about you than it does about them.

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Been there, Done that, got the backward facing T-shirt.

It was a dark time but im through it now and functioning properly again.

Oh, and theres no shame in it either. Its no different to any other illness imo.

You break your leg you got the the hospital.

You break your brain, you go to a different hospital.


Based on some of your posts, I think you need more help.:D


But on a positive note, I agree with you.

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