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Mental to take offence?


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Pandas arn't "Bear Like" They are in actual fact "Bears", And Bloody delicious too.


>>>@ Bedrock: Freddy Kruger was a Child Murderer, Not a Rapist, as a result of the state taking his child away for Murdering her Mother. He was also the son of a hundred mental patients (apt), after his mother, a Nun, was locked in with them.


Now I shall retire into my Slipper to the song ikky ikky fatang!

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It's the world we live in now, if enough people get touchy about something it will quite quickly get a call to be banned or become taboo. With regards Halloween attire, the first time some crank turns out in a Michael Myers mask and murders someone the media outcry will be to have Halloween banned ;)

I see the usual suspects jumped on the 'Maxtor bashing in this thread .... had he been feminist, gay, Muslim or indeed a forum lefty ... I'm sure the likes of Skinz and melthebell (for example) would not have been so flippant with their posts .... IMHO :suspect:

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Quote:I see the usual suspects jumped on the 'Maxtor bashing in this thread ....



Which is why I refrain from commenting but he does sometimes come across as having a chip on his shoulder :(


I agree which is one of the reasons i don't post much these days. There is far too much bullying on here for my liking. I myself have been victim of much anti Semitic bullying but unlike some less fortunate people i am quite able to fight my own corner.I also agree he seems to have a bit of a chip on his or her shoulder but if you dig deeper you sometimes find that the chip people have isnt in fact a chip at all but a cry for help. I do think this is the wrong place to cry for such help. There are just too many bullies and people who revel in other peoples difficulties and problems.

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I agree which is one of the reasons i don't post much these days. There is far too much bullying on here for my liking. I myself have been victim of much anti Semitic bullying but unlike some less fortunate people i am quite able to fight my own corner.I also agree he seems to have a bit of a chip on his or her shoulder but if you dig deeper you sometimes find that the chip people have isnt in fact a chip at all but a cry for help. I do think this is the wrong place to cry for such help. There are just too many bullies and people who revel in other peoples difficulties and problems.


Which is exactly the point MIND, MENCAP and even Medusa are trying to put over. Their work is undermined. Maxtor is certainly undermining that with "they must get a grip".

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Which is exactly the point MIND, MENCAP and even Medusa are trying to put over. Their work is undermined. Maxtor is certainly undermining that with "they must get a grip".


So to hammer that point home you throw insults? Call names? Really? Is that the way to conduct yourself on a public forum? There is a saying, attack the post, not the poster.

You don't know what turmoil, Maxtor is going through. I've read his or her posts this morning, trying to get an insight and what i see is a sparkling personality, a quit wit and decent heart but troubled. Imagine if it were a friend or relative. Would you dismiss them so easily? Would you care so little? Or is this just because he or she may raise points you disagree with or has a style you don't like? Be nice. Spread the love and if you cant say anything nice then there are plenty of other topics on this and other fora for you to get your teeth into.


Peace and love to you :)

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So to hammer that point home you throw insults? Call names? Really? Is that the way to conduct yourself on a public forum? There is a saying, attack the post, not the poster.

You don't know what turmoil, Maxtor is going through. I've read his or her posts this morning, trying to get an insight and what i see is a sparkling personality, a quit wit and decent heart but troubled. Imagine if it were a friend or relative. Would you dismiss them so easily? Would you care so little? Or is this just because he or she may raise points you disagree with or has a style you don't like? Be nice. Spread the love and if you cant say anything nice then there are plenty of other topics on this and other fora for you to get your teeth into.


Peace and love to you :)



So maxtors accusations and comments to another poster based on his issues with mental health are to be ignored, in favour of us all ignoring the main issue of the OP? Maxtor made this thread his thread. I have pointed out the stupidity and irony of his comments, those comments were made by a poster, so by default attacking a post you attack those who type them. As for you psychoanalysing maxtor that's a bit rich if not patronising, and if I may say so hypocritical..remember? the post not the person. We base our comments on what we read, not what we think we read.

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So maxtors accusations and comments to another poster based on his issues with mental health are to be ignored, in favour of us all ignoring the main issue of the OP? Maxtor made this thread his thread. I have pointed out the stupidity and irony of his comments, those comments were made by a poster, so by default attacking a post you attack those who type them. As for you psychoanalysing maxtor that's a bit rich if not patronising, and if I may say so hypocritical..remember? the post not the person. We base our comments on what we read, not what we think we read.


All very good points.

I see trying to make you see reason is a bit of a waste of my time.

You have a wonderful day my friend :)

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is it just me that now sees the irony of "free speech", the ones crying bully on here the loudest are the ones that are against it regarding poppy burners, but cry foul when its the EDL not being able to cause trouble exactly where and when they want


but I'm the hypocrite :roll:

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