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How much board should I take off my kids?

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If you let ur kids live for free, you are not teaching them anything..Some parents can afford to do this others cant.i know a few that have kept their kids and they turned out ok but have a selfish streak..I charged my daughter a tenner a week cos she was in a low paid job,but at least she was contributing and she was grateful..think we need to install values in our kids dont you.


I brought my kids into this world and while ever under my roof it was free Gratia.

However they have paid my wife and i back tenfold in many ways, that i would deem as priceless.

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A lot harder you are having a laugh.

No cars or phones ,washing machines, central heating, hoovers, T.V's and only the very rich owned thier own house.

As to the generious pension its around £160 for a married couple try and live on that!

Hi cuttsie, I agree I think somebody's having a wind up. Most people I knew left school at 14 or 15 and went straight into jobs to help the family. The board taken for nearly everyone was one half of their take home pay,in the case of my wife they took it all and just gave her bus fare.As you say only the very well off owned their own house. The only people with a car was the doctor.

Vicars,nurses,schoolteachers etc cycled or used buses.Only doctors had a telephone.It's just the way it was.

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My kids never paid a penny in board I never wanted anything off them,I always helped them as much as I could,you dont bring them into the world to get money out of them,they are your responsibility till the day they leave home and start their own life,even now the wife and me help them all we can.

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You should charge them a set figure which is equal. Doing it by percentage of wages is harsh and unfair. Why should the older one pay twice as much for the same benefits?


Plus it'll lead to conflict between them when they wish to use something that is shared with the older one taking the stance that he pays more so has priority.



No. To each according to his need, from each according to his means...(More's Utopia)


It is barmy and unfair to charge the same amount to children in very different circumstances. Market forces should not apply in the family home.


it is however reasonable to expect them to do the housework and to switch lights off.

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15 years ago when I got my first job my mum & dad took £100 a month off me. It always seemed a bit steep considering I bought my own clothes and shoes, did my own washing/ironing, did lots of housework to help mum & cooked meals including a big family Sunday roast while they went to church. Also given I only got about £450 a month depending on overtime.


I quickly realised that I may aswell have a space of my own & fork out a little more. So I left home about 3 years later.


Having a 10 year old myself now, I'm not sure I'll charge her board I always feel that board rushed me into setting up home myself all to quickly. Time will tell. But I know for a fact I will be flexible & allow for my daughter to enjoy her youth with her own money.

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