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Its happening because companies are chargeing whatever they like for essential purchases, utilities and food are two examples and cost of everything else are artificially inflated to ridiculous levels, what makes me laugh are people who take austere measures (buying charity shop clothes etc) and wear it like a badge of honour. I dont think we can reverse it now but I dont want rich tv people producing programmes telling me how to live like a peasant.


This country is awash with money, austerity is the biggest scam since we were being blackmailed out of money for environmental reasons not so long ago.


So just keep spending then? Are we taxing the rich more I guess? That's not really working in France.

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I'm getting sick of being preached to and listening to dicussions about austerity, thrift etc. Theres loads and loads of money out there but the rich are keeping it all to themselves (with politicians help) and are living literally like kings while the rest of us are told to darn socks (in the night when theres nobody there) and live on boiled cabbage, what sort of country are we going to end up with if this continues :mad:


Totally agree. This 'austerity' is a giant con trick. Money is always available when it suits them...


The crisis was caused by the banks and yet the banks (or bankers) are the ones syphoning up all the money. With quantative easing there's actually more money out there than ever, to the point of its value being meaningless.


The politicians are overseeing a fundamental shift in wealth away from the 99% and into the pockets of the 1% (a club to which they themselves belong,) yet we sit meekly by, swallowing every lie they tell us, and let them do it.

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Theres loads and loads of money out there but the rich are keeping it all to themselves


Maybe it's their money?


If there's loads of money out there, why is the U.S. Federal Reserve having to conjure up $85 billion a month out of thin air?


For all intents and purposes, quantitative easing creates money out of thin air. While in the past the printing of new money was used to increase the money supply, today quantitative easing allows the injection of huge sums of money into the economy with just the click of a mouse.





(This is in addition to the $2.8 trillion they've created out of thin air since Quantitative Easing began [LINK])


And is it working? Is it F***!



At this rate we'll get rid of the deficit in a year.


The August 2013 deficit:


Net borrowing excluding temporary support for banks was 13.2 billion pounds compared with a deficit of 14.4 billion pounds a year earlier




The forecast for the whole of 2013 is now "only" £120 billion [LINK]


That means another £120 billion of spending we need to cut just this year. And we'll have to avoid the same overspend in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 etc.


And even if we could balance our books consistently so that there was no deficit spending any more, there's still the debt to tackle.


You DO know the difference don't you?



What we can see here on this thread is a bunch of whining cry babies who can't face up to the consequences of years of "free money". Somehow the idea of living within one's means is now considered beyond the pale.


Here's a thought for you all. There isn't enough money in the world to pay back all the debt that exists.


It is now mathematically impossible for the U.S. government to pay off the U.S. national debt. You see, the truth is that the U.S. government now owes more dollars than actually exist. If the U.S. government went out today and took every single penny from every single American bank, business and taxpayer, they still would not be able to pay off the national debt.




If every house, flat etc. in the UK were sold, that would still not be enough to pay off our debt [LINK]


And if the debt is just a scam, shouldn't we just stop paying the interest on it?


Budget 2013: Interest payments on national debt to eclipse combined budget for schools and police





See my sig




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Do people think there's a money tree at the back of Number 10?


As annoying as it may seem, Governments need to live within their means just like the population in general. One of the reasons we're in this mess is because previous Governments and millions of people didn't live within their means. Whilst the banks certainly have some responsibility, they didn't force people to take out loans.






---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 07:35 ----------


icelands doing well to say they went bust :roll:


I like their King Prawn Ring. :hihi:





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Do people think there's a money tree at the back of Number 10?


As annoying as it may seem, Governments need to live within their means just like the population in general. One of the reasons we're in this mess is because previous Governments and millions of people didn't live within their means. Whilst the banks certainly have some responsibility, they didn't force people to take out loans.






---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 07:35 ----------



I like their King Prawn Ring. :hihi:






The amount of taxation in this country (direct and indirect) is huge, take mobile phones as an example, 20yrs ago nobody had a mobile, now everybody has one, mobiles are subject to VAT, thats a huge amount of money going into government coffers that at one time did not exist. Home fuel costs are astronomical with the providers make obscene profits.....all taxed. All this is "new" taxation and the government can always find the funds for an unecessary war or two or the (enjoyable as they were) Olympics.


The rich are becoming staggeringly richer while the majority are left to forage around in the dirt, there is a massive gulf in disposable income, have a walk around any smaller town centre and look at the people around, tells its own story.

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Makes you think, people on benefits and live in social houses, should be persecuted and have to pay bedroom tax!


When Nick Clegg confirmed last night that Britain has just vowed to donate another £100million to help Syria, just to top it up, with the other £400million that WE have given up to date.


I know politics are very intricate, but do the two add up?


Yes because not having a spare room is the same as getting gassed to death.


---------- Post added 27-09-2013 at 10:25 ----------


I'm getting sick of being preached to and listening to dicussions about austerity, thrift etc. Theres loads and loads of money out there but the rich are keeping it all to themselves (with politicians help) and are living literally like kings while the rest of us are told to darn socks (in the night when theres nobody there) and live on boiled cabbage, what sort of country are we going to end up with if this continues :mad:


Who lives on boiled cabbage? Get some perspective. No one is poor in the UK.

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