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:hihi::hihi: Brilliant, I love that old line, absolute rubbish and another party perpetuated stick to beat people with.
Nothing hurt as much as the truth, eh, tops? :hihi:

I was in Worksop on a Saturday (reluctantly) recently and its a dump, full of poor quality shops etc, your standards must be very low if you consider that to be thriving.
Where do you go usually, then?


The above just epitomises all that is wrong in the UK atm. Record levels of apathy and snobbism, practicing at the Meadowhall altar every Saturday.


"Thriving" means not a plethora of new pawnbrokers and betting shops, and very few boarded-up shops on the main high street, with plenty of independents pre-dating the recession still doing good business, without all-must-go-now perma-sales on. Oh, and a brand new, modest but smart and very clean, cineplex smack in the middle of the town centre, without masses of hooded ne'er do wells hanging around it all hours of the evening. You know...friendly little market town that toodling along just fine, like there used to be so many in the late 80s/early 90s.


I don't have shopping "standards" as you call them. If and when I have to go out, all I ask is that there is a bit of variety and a friendly vibe, that the place and shops are clean, with little to no chuggers. In that respect, I'll take "lowly" Worksop over Sheffield or Rotherham any day of the week.

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Income Tax, NI, VAT, Fuel Duty, Alcohol tax, Cigarette Tax??


I doubt many people could accurately answer that question.


We'll start with income tax and if she's anywhere near what a PAYE banker with his bonus will have paid then we'll go on a bit further...

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Nothing hurt as much as the truth, eh, tops? :hihi:


If and when I party emerges who are worth my vote I will be the first in the queue, until that day I will refrain, my vote is giving someone a mandate to either help others or help themselves, the current choice dont half know how to help themselves.

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If and when I party emerges who are worth my vote I will be the first in the queue, until that day I will refrain, my vote is giving someone a mandate to either help others or help themselves, the current choice dont half know how to help themselves.
It isn't if you spoil your ballot. Or, if your feeling really rebellious (:rolleyes:), protest-vote when there is a suitable candidate in your ward.


Your simply "not voting" p***es on everybody and everything, which made it possible for you to have that chance today.


It has nothing to do with politics and politicians, and all to do with your being born/living in a democracy, and doing your (tiny, infinitesimal) bit to help it stay that way.


All that said, I'm not surprised at your post in the least. Smacks a fair bit of ignorance, tbh.

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No the banks will move their investment arms to Singapore, Zurich or Frankfurt and take the staff with them. They will pay their taxes there and the Singapore Government etc etc will use the revenue to put food on the tables of their poor.


Cool, it will lessen the population of the UK then and we'll start new banks

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No the banks will move their investment arms to Singapore, Zurich or Frankfurt and take the staff with them. They will pay their taxes there and the Singapore Government etc etc will use the revenue to put food on the tables of their poor.


That point seems to be lost on people.


While it seems wrong how much the bankers earn, the financial institutions in the City of London do bring a lot of money into this country, money the likes of Germany would love to get their hands on by moving the financial institutions over there.





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Cool, it will lessen the population of the UK then and we'll start new banks


London, supported by Leeds and Edinburgh, is a major international financial services center.


It accounts for a huge amount of the nations income, earnings from abroad that is. I think there is at lease 60 Trillion invested there.


If we drive these banks out we are in serious trouble.


You just cant "start new banks".

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If we hadn't exported our manufacturing industry (when we were told that there were plenty of service industry jobs to go round) and then outsourced our service industry, we wouldn't now be dependent on the financial services sector for the nation's wealth; which, let's face it, will never trickle down to us mere mortals - we are only useful for the treadmill....

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