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Lee Rigby-Accused say they're not guilty

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Can a legally aided defendant choose their barrister and will their fees be capped?



Well it won't be a lengthy trial at the taxpayers expense so at least there's that benefit.


A defendant can choose their own lawyer and pretty much all firms are part of the


Aid scheme so yes the sympathetic lawyer firm will string the case out for as

Long as the judge allows and yes us the taxpayer will be funding their defence unless some wealthy al quada sympathiser funds it.........! Unlikely

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A defendant can choose their own lawyer and pretty much all firms are part of the


Aid scheme so yes the sympathetic lawyer firm will string the case out for as

Long as the judge allows and yes us the taxpayer will be funding their defence unless some wealthy al quada sympathiser funds it.........! Unlikely


They'll be represented in court by a barrister, not a firm of lawyers.

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The Defendants have solicitors who will select the advocate (in this case it will be Queens Counsel) - if the instructions from the defendant are that he is not guilty and wishes to put forward a defence that will seem odd or daft and possibly not a defence known to the law he can and should be told he/she has no defence but beyond that they can have the trial.


If people think its a real money spinner I will post a link to the current legal aid rates - which have been reduced by more than 40% in the past few years and there is a proposal for a further 17% cut - poor lawyers you cry but who do you want to prosecute these people - the best we have who will be well motivated, seriously good at the job and paid appropriately or my dog tom who will do it for a biscuit or two

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Our law courts recognise the existence of God and some of our laws are based on the word of God


Their argument could be that they were sent by God to do a job.


So you're advocating some bloke who, there's ne evidence he exists other than god botherers saying so, told them to do it. If god is so wonderful he wouldn't send 2 loonies out armed with what they used on young Lee Rigby.

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