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Which Utility (Gas and Electricity) Provider to Choose?

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How many people will live in the house ? Are you out at work all day ,do you have central heating .immersion heater ,electric shower . Gas or electric cooker these are all the things that will help evaluate your bills .Is the house well insulated ?


My self and my wife with 11 months old baby. I will be out Mon-Friday at work but my wife and kid might be in more often. There is central heating, electric shower (which I don't understand why they use it here in the UK if the water also flows through the boiler). The house is reasonably well insulated.

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As a Utility Warehouse distributor I see all sorts of people's usage. With a 3 bed house I'd probably put in 15000 kWh for gas and 2500 kWh for electricity. That shouldn't be too far off and it will get adjusted as time goes by and you submit readings


My top recommendation is still to speak to me though as you can do better price and service-wise than the traditional energy companies

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NPower were on Watchdog last week - breaking into peoples houses for no reason and cutting their supply off. EDF Energy are as bad. I've gone back to Scottish Power - never had any trouble with them or their online billing service.




Yup. N power broke into my house back in March while my 14 year old son with Asperger syndrome was alone in there, they were well aware of that fact that I had a disabled minor in the house and I was actually at court on the day they broke in fighting N power.


I got a tearful call from my son 5 minutes before I was due to see the judge to say that 5 men had broken into the house shouting gas and had got my 12 year old dog pinned to the floor with a wire loop around her neck and that she had urinated on the floor (presumably through fear)


When they discovered I was not in instead of leaving straight away because a child under the age of 16 is alone they proceeded to try to fit a meter....when they could not do this they got my Son to sign a document saying he was the customer and that he had understood everything that had taken place.


My Son struggles to write and had no idea what had just happened.


I called the police who said it was a civil matter and when it finally went through Npowers complaints procedure they ruled that everything had happened within their policy as they were closing the case.


They are nothing but a dirty lying bunch of thugs and as it transpired I did not owe them £1000's of pounds as they were telling the judge but just £234.00

which was paid immediately....I am still in the process of trying to change suppliers but once again the lousy barstools are up to their old tricks and are lying about the amount I owe them, I have asked them to come and do an up to date meter reading but they refuse and to add insult to injury they have sent me three different bill with three different account numbers and three different amounts.


I have spent countless hours on hold on the phone to them to try to get the correct amount to pay but they do not know their heads from their arses and still have not sorted out which is which.


I hate them with burning passion!

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I've just moved (well a month ago), and am currently with N-Power. I am reluctant to stay with them because I had problems with them years ago in a previous property. I called a couple of other providers but British Gas wanted to put me on a variable direct debit, and Eon wanted to charge me what seemed like a high amount per month. They said its standard practice, but I just want to pay a set amount each month that isn't too much.

I was paying £46 for gas and electric in my old flat, the new one is bigger and much older but its only the gas (heating) that should really be higher, surely? There's only me (and a cat, but she doesn't use any gas and electric :hihi:) living here, and I'm very stingy with the heating and hot water. Eon wanted to charge me £73 a month.

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Yup. N power broke into my house back in March while my 14 year old son with Asperger syndrome was alone in there, they were well aware of that fact that I had a disabled minor in the house and I was actually at court on the day they broke in fighting N power.


I got a tearful call from my son 5 minutes before I was due to see the judge to say that 5 men had broken into the house shouting gas and had got my 12 year old dog pinned to the floor with a wire loop around her neck and that she had urinated on the floor (presumably through fear)


When they discovered I was not in instead of leaving straight away because a child under the age of 16 is alone they proceeded to try to fit a meter....when they could not do this they got my Son to sign a document saying he was the customer and that he had understood everything that had taken place.


My Son struggles to write and had no idea what had just happened.


I called the police who said it was a civil matter and when it finally went through Npowers complaints procedure they ruled that everything had happened within their policy as they were closing the case.


They are nothing but a dirty lying bunch of thugs and as it transpired I did not owe them £1000's of pounds as they were telling the judge but just £234.00

which was paid immediately....I am still in the process of trying to change suppliers but once again the lousy barstools are up to their old tricks and are lying about the amount I owe them, I have asked them to come and do an up to date meter reading but they refuse and to add insult to injury they have sent me three different bill with three different account numbers and three different amounts.


I have spent countless hours on hold on the phone to them to try to get the correct amount to pay but they do not know their heads from their arses and still have not sorted out which is which.


I hate them with burning passion!


Sorry about your troubles with Npower. Hope you get justice soon

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Please, whatever you do DO NOT go with Npower...


Complete cowboy rip offs who lie!


Ebico Ltd is a not-for-profit gas and electricity supplier aiming to offer a better, fairer deal for domestic energy to British households. They might not be the cheapest, but they were in my top ten when I signed up with them.



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Utility Warehouse / Telecom Plus used to advertise that they guaranteed to be the lowest priced energy supplier. The company has at least twice been reprimanded for misleading adverts.

Recent surveys have shown by simply moving tariffs with your existing supplier you will beat Utility Warehouse prices. The company seems to get a good rating for its telecoms.

Use a comparison site.

A good few years ago a few of my work colleagues at the time also became agents for Telecom Plus. Many months down the line when they informed me they themselves were no longer Telecom Plus, customers as they had been misled about the residual commissions they were expecting but had not received.

Every time there is a thread about utilities an agent of the company seems to comment how wonderful Utility Warehouse is.

I wonder why?

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Utility Warehouse / Telecom Plus used to advertise that they guaranteed to be the lowest priced energy supplier. The company has at least twice been reprimanded for misleading adverts.

Recent surveys have shown by simply moving tariffs with your existing supplier you will beat Utility Warehouse prices. The company seems to get a good rating for its telecoms.

Use a comparison site.

A good few years ago a few of my work colleagues at the time also became agents for Telecom Plus. Many months down the line when they informed me they themselves were no longer Telecom Plus, customers as they had been misled about the residual commissions they were expecting but had not received.

Every time there is a thread about utilities an agent of the company seems to comment how wonderful Utility Warehouse is.

I wonder why?

Thanks for posting this as it's good to get feedback and it allows a response as I would agree with some points but not all


Yes, the ASA asked UW to alter some wording on the website (we don't actually advertise) to clarify the message which was complied with. Most companies have been in this position at some point over claims to be the best/cheapest etc (just google NPower ASA to get an idea)


If you look at energy in isolation then you can often find a lower price online but the USP of UW is the benefits added by signing up to multiple services which very often make the overall offer the lowest for a household.


I'd suggest using a comparison site by all means for energy & telecoms and then to contact a distributor for UW with the results for a comparison with UW. If UW doesn't then save you money, then don't join. Telecom Plus is not on comparison sites as it's the only company on the UK market to offer energy and telecoms on the same bill and the comparison sites are not set up to account for crossover benefits


Customer service levels are much higher for energy than the big 6 according to Which! magazine too. Perhaps the strongest point is that for most customers with a standard requirement, there is no minimum contract for telecoms or energy so if UW isn't as good as is expected, the customer can leave at any point. Interestingly our churn rate is much, much lower than the big 6 energy companies and Net Promoter Score is much higher


Re the colleagues that became UW distributors, it's slightly off thread so I'll only comment briefly. I strongly suspect they didn't read the Business Manual when they got it as it explains all the rules for commission very clearly and the activity that's required. T+ has paid me perfectly in line with its own rules and I have no complaints. There's a good reason that UW distributors are confident in recommending the company and it's services to their family and friends - because the service is outstanding and the company looks after its distributors


I hope this clarifies a few things

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