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Which Utility (Gas and Electricity) Provider to Choose?

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Well the last 3 electricity suppliers I've used.


EDF: Generally OK



British Gas: Incompetent fools who kept screwing up and sending me massive bills which I kept having to challenge because they were incapable of taking a meter reading, learning my name, relevant dates despite being told lots of times. Eventually threatened involving the ombudsman. Changed to scottish power.


ScottishPower: Also incompetent fools. But this time they keep sending me my money back. I have been with them for a year paying by direct debit and they recently cancelled all my bills and sent all my payments back. When I queried this they didn't answer the question and simply sent my most recent direct debit back as a cheque. So when they eventually realize they dont want to give me electricity for free I'll have had the money waiting in an interest-generating bank account....

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I'm with Utility Warehouse and I think they are great. I have a 3 bed semi, and pay £50-£80 per month for both gas and electric. I like it because I read my own meter on the last day of the month and submit the readings on line. I then get a bill which I pay on the last day of the following month, for exactly what we have used. You can also get a card from them which you pre-load with cash to,spend at certain shops, and then get a percentage back which is knocked off the gas and electric bill. I had one of those at first, but got a bit fed up of messing around with it and loading it up.

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Can anyone please tell me the cheapest gas and electricity providers? We just moved to a new property and have found that the gas is being provided by Npower and the electricity by E.ON. It is my first time in Sheffield and first time arranging these. It all seems really confusing and am concerned I might end up signing up with some expensive product. Any help?
real bad experiences with Npower id steer clear if I was you.
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Well its hard to know with a cartel, first one company agrees to drop its knickers for a bit and then another does the same as the first goes for a price increase, causing knicker uplift.


The only way to play the game is to constantly move around, if you can that is, having the time to check for a savings is another matter.


Privatisation allows corporations to make profit, and pay dividends to shareholders, Scottish and Southers give at least 5% to shareholders and you guessed it, everyone sailing in that tub, pays for the bonus culture which has to increase yearly as otherwise the rich will not get richer at everyone’s expense.


When the police and prisons are privatised that will really be worth investing in as both will have shared interests, but lets not think of the future.


So which ever way you jump you will get screwed, FACT, but if you then jump to a lower tariff somewhere else quickly then you will still be screwed but save a few quid in the process.

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This is the Which? magazine league table for 2013. The first two are niche renewable energy companies ie green but not cheap. The top ranked for value for money are Ebico, Utility Warehouse & the Co-op. The big 6 are all well down the rankings




This Utility Warehouse diatribe is becoming tiresome. The Which survey got a response from 175 Utility Warehouse customers. It was in the financial interest of 37 % of them to give a positive response as probably most them were like you agents . Please turn the record over and let customers respond instead of sales agents like you.

Mind you I am sure you can whip up a response from your fellow sales agents who will also be customers.

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This Utility Warehouse diatribe is becoming tiresome. The Which survey got a response from 175 Utility Warehouse customers. It was in the financial interest of 37 % of them to give a positive response as probably most them were like you agents . Please turn the record over and let customers respond instead of sales agents like you.

Mind you I am sure you can whip up a response from your fellow sales agents who will also be customers.

There was no diatribe in my post and no promotion of UW over the competition, just a helpful link to a respected view of the whole market which is rare to find. Most of the posts in this thread are anecdotal evidence ie accurate but not necessarily representative in isolation so it can be useful to get an independent overall view of the market


If asked my opinion I would recommend UW from personal experience which I did earlier in the thread. As a distributor I get much satisfaction from saving people money in my spare time, typically £200 - £300 per year and it takes about an hour usually to do that. It's a pleasure to do it and I would happily do it for free eg donation of fee to charity etc

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Please, whatever you do DO NOT go with Npower...


Complete cowboy rip offs who lie!


I'll second that, 11 months since joining them they still haven't sent me a bill. Arrears are building up and the direct debit is floating about somewhere. Everyone you speak to at NPower comes up with a different excuse for the problem, just a bunch of bulls*tters. I have put in a formal complaint with a request for compensation from them which is ongoing.

I wish I'd never got involved with them

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Unfortunately No as I am stuck with Npower for the foreseeable future but as soon as I can get away from them I will and would go to anyone except those robbing gits :(


Obviously they are telling you what to do, no no YOU tell them what you will pay them as I do, the moment they try to put up my bill I threaten to leave and its lowered again. Despite what they've done in regards to avoiding tax the dual fuel allowance and various discounts are very good.


---------- Post added 07-10-2013 at 19:08 ----------


I'll second that, 11 months since joining them they still haven't sent me a bill. Arrears are building up and the direct debit is floating about somewhere. Everyone you speak to at NPower comes up with a different excuse for the problem, just a bunch of bulls*tters. I have put in a formal complaint with a request for compensation from them which is ongoing.

I wish I'd never got involved with them


You need to be careful, have you opted for a paperless billing if so it'll be you who is sued because you haven't paid your bill. Check your account first before making a case

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