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Does anybody need more than one child? Let's slash child benefit!


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Umm sorry but a flaw in your plan about increased pension would be that there would be less young people to pay into the pension fund - hmm you are going to need to rethink that one:)


In China the one child policy came about as there was a population and overcrowding problem. In this country it is reversed and we are actually having trouble having enough babies (remember in the future it are they who will be paying for your hospital, pension, etc). At the moment we have a society where we have more older people so that is why we are having problems with NHS funding and the pensions crisis etc.


My thoughts are no a one child policy is not required in this country - actually it would be detrimental to the economy. Sorry if this has already been said but Ive not read the whole thread. BTW good discussion even if I think your point of view is not correct:D


LisaH xxx

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Still think its a good idea?


We have to start somewhere, and anyhow, this is also about the financial health of the UK today :)


How do they get another go? You sterilised them!

Under the Tony 3 Point Plan sterilisation is optional and Government funded. There is always adoption! Maybe of a 3rd world orphan from a large family! :)

What if someone has twins or triplets? Its not their fault so should they be penalised?

A valid exception.

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We have to start somewhere, and anyhow, this is also about the financial health of the UK today :)


Ahh but if we just think of the hear and now, what about the future of the economy. I get the impression you don't care if the place falls to ruin after you have keeled over in your bathchair and croaked. :rolleyes:

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Does your plan include removing all healthcare benefits aswell?

Point 4 would allow people to opt out of the NHS providing they made private provision. In return they would recieve further tax breaks.



Jake.. I don't know what you're talking about - PM me.

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There is some merit to this scheme and I for one have often thought that the Chinese stance worked in principle (although as another poster pointed out females were penalised) What hasn't been mentioned is the fining system that the Party has in place, so if you go over your alloted child then you have to pay a hefty fine.


In our society there is now a mentality where , by and large, people are not fussed what gender their offspring are - at least not from a traditional point of view where the male child is considered superior.


While the initial benefit may well be a reduction in benefit payments then the subsequent yields would be exponential. As Tony pointed out it would benefit housing etc, but extrapolate it to the degree of if parents were'nt having to take even more time off of work because one their children did a funny looking poo - what kind of savings would that bring to industry?


As someone who wishes to remain childless for a long time (hopefully for the foreseeable future) then I would love a tax break to recoup some of the money I've had taken off me during my working life.

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As someone who wishes to remain childless for a long time (hopefully for the foreseeable future) then I would love a tax break to recoup some of the money I've had taken off me during my working life.


Considering it apparantly costs a parent £100,000 to raise a child to adulthood I'd say you're quids in already. Stop being greedy! ;)

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.. and as about 75% of what you earn goes back to the government to pay for things like children I'd say swan_vesta is doing a great job in providing for other peoples children whilst taking nothing out for himself. ;)

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Interesting post! I would be interested to know if the original poster Tony is an only child, if not you possibly wouldn't be here mate if your rules applied, neither would I and neither would my brother or two of my children. I would have thought though that many people, like myself, simply have more than one child because they have enough love to go around, I certainly didn't jump into the reproductive sack thinking of the 'massive' amount of money I was going to get from the government for having more than one child. Interestingly, I am one of three and out of the three of us I am the only one to have children so the balance has been met 'cause you could say that I have my brother and sister's share. The other way to look at this would be to say that a working man's wage would be exactly the same for everyone regardless of the job they do then maybe we would all be able to take of our brood without government help.

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