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Does anybody need more than one child? Let's slash child benefit!


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Mmm - I think I may owe an apology here - I didn't realise that it was paid to middle incomes.

That aside, it still means that childless people pay for those who choose to have families - which I think is wrong.

(More, and not necessarily, in answer to your questions)



The majority of us pay at least some tax that will be spent on something that we don't personally benefit from.

There are obviously hidden benefits though from ensuring that children don't grow up in poverty.


Those of us without cars might complain about the money spent on roads, those of us who aren't ill might complain about the nhs and those of us who don't use stadiums might think that the new wembley was a bit of waste.


Fortunately decisions are made by the people with the loudest voices (or supposedly not).

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shoeshine: Well, as far as I can tell. This thread posed a scenario, and asks the SF members whether such suggestions would work. It may be playing devil's advocate, but I thought it was interesting anyway to say the least. You've not offended me personally, but I found the post offensive. Though, this I have to say has to be one of those, differing of opinions. I think I know where you are coming from, and I think I've made it clear what my views are.



Back on topic.


If slashing the child benefit, wouldn't there be an outcry from the people from those who 'had', and those who 'have not' ?


I have apologised to you on a previous post here, and by PM just now, I apologise again if you are upset still. The post No 62. on this thread, as I have pointed out was not referring to you in anyway at all.


I can do no more than to state, to get back on topic, as you have done, that Family Allowances are a payment to the Mother of the children and always have been. In some relationships, unfortunately the fathers of children did not always behave responsibly to the mothers and children when the weekly wage turned up in their pockets. It still happens now.


Hence the mother was given a basic income for her children which theoretically was her right, and to their benefit.


No-one has a right to dictate on the one hand how many children a responsible, right minded couple should have, and on the other hand demand invasive medical procedures to prevent a woman from bearing more than one child. It is barbaric. I think that is what you, and other posters have said. I may be mistaken.

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I've replied to your pm Shoeshine. (I had to reboot, sorry if you thought I avoided your PMs.)


Just for the record. Child benefit is different to Child Tax Credit.




Child benefit is not means-tested, and it is 'apparently' a set amount for per week for each child that is born in the UK. Or adopted, or is looked after.


Child Tax Credit is means-tested.


Even after knowing that a set amount is to be spent on children, do SF members still think that it should be scraped. If so, why ? If not, why ?

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I will have to show this thread to a friend of mine and see what he says about it, because he as got 10 kids it would have been 11 but she lost the baby when she went the full term ie 41 weeks. she had her first when she was 16 years old as she is now only 30 she doesnt want anymore and before anybody says anything he is working and not living on state benefits or hand outs, he is a manager and as been for a very long time. would this apply to all the other nationalities who are here in this country or are saying just the english people should have there child benefit slashed?. I supose the goverment might as well give it a go they have done everything else to make the poorer people worse off whats the next thing you are going to come out with higher poll tax or even higher rents my answer to this thread is if i was a young chap then i would keep turning out babies with my girlfriend/wife/secret lover/mistress and anybody else who would like a baby or three.

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Why should there be any such thing as child benefit?


People should demonstrate that they are responsible enough to have children by making the effort to earn enough to look after them.


Taxpayers should not have to pay for under-achievers to breed.


So why have we been paying for all the sprogs the Royal family produce

hardly big achievers are they .God knows they have scrounged enough from the country and still doing it.:twisted:

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So why have we been paying for all the sprogs the Royal family produce

hardly big achievers are they .God knows they have scrounged enough from the country and still doing it.:twisted:

Once more you have a needless, small-minded stab at the Royal family - can we get back to the thread?

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Now.. in an attempt to get this thread back on topic...


You also said that sterilisation happens after the first child.


I thought that UK is a democratic country. To merely suggest extreme measures such as that within the Communistic political system of China is a tad ironic.


There are encouragement to Joe Public to not have more than 2 kids. (Other SE Asian countries do this, I think.) Then, there's forcing married couples not to have more than 2 kids by law. What a field day we will have on human right issues. :rolleyes:


The Plan just cuts off any state support after the 1st child. You can have as many as you like though.


Point 2 of the Plan from the OP...

2. The upside is that the state can offer optional but free sterilisation for those who have their one child and have no need of any more.
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I understand that the stimulation of debate can spur reactions on a quiet Forum, Tony. The point I was making was that things no longer seem to be the same as they were 3 months ago.


For example, take Bartfast, a good bloke, one I would wish to stand facing enemies of me and mine single handed if you like with just an M16 and a box of ammo in his hand. Now Bartfast has at times not been polite when putting his views, and has upset some people on here. He gets banned for being forthright in those views, and on odd occasions going over the top with them.


I quote Post 1 of this thread


The population of the planet is growing exponentially to the point where there are now more people alive today than have ever lived in the past. We all know the damaging implications of population growth!


So, here's an idea for discussion. It's a 3 point plan for the UK ...


1. In the spirit of the Chinese One Child Law, child benefits are limited to one child only. If you want any more children then you pay for them from your own means. That also goes for tax credits, housing and all the other state handouts. The cut off is one child.


2. The upside is that the state can offer optional but free sterilisation for those who have their one child and have no need of any more.


3. Those couples who don't have any children, and therefore have less need of state funds can then have a tax rebate and increased pension provision in return for having no child to care for them in old age.



End quote.


Would he have been allowed to OP that as a starting thread 3 months later, without a ban himself possibly, and without everone shouting "Troll, Troll".............and getting someone, somewhere in the thread banned for outspoken comments.


Am I making sense with this?......

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It would apply regardless of the child's health, remembering that an unhealthy child is a bigger financial burden. If a child dies, then you would get another go, with child-free tax breaks in the intervening period.


Is it really acceptable to be so flippant and insensitive about a heart-breaking subject? You might as well just have said "Hey, it doesn't matter that your kid's dead - have some money off your income tax to make it all better. Then you can just have another kid to replace the one who died."

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