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Scrolling Messages In The Back Window Of A Car?

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I've always promised myself I would get one of those gizmo's that go in the back of the car....With a scrolling message!


What messages would you pre-program?


I think my favorites would be:


"If I brake suddenly, and you run into me it's YOUR fault"

"Couldn't you have applied your make up at home?"

"Stop picking your nose"

"Sing louder....I can't hear"


Come on....Give us some of your ideas!....keep it clean please!!!...hahahaha...

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Technically if the car in front slows down or stops be it suddenly or not, for any reason, the car behind should be able to do the same, if they cant its their own fault for driving too close or tailgating.


Not arguing that.


I am pointing out that it is not "always" found to be the legal fault of the rear car.

If you think otherwise, try ramming your brakes on when in front of a Police Vehicle.

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Not arguing that.


I am pointing out that it is not "always" found to be the legal fault of the rear car.

If you think otherwise, try ramming your brakes on when in front of a Police Vehicle.


hahahaha....well It's always going to be anyone's fault apart from plod!...hahaha...But obviously there are the insurance claim tossers...who do it deliberately!

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