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Scrolling Messages In The Back Window Of A Car?

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I've always promised myself I would get one of those gizmo's that go in the back of the car....With a scrolling message!


What messages would you pre-program?


I think my favorites would be:


"If I brake suddenly, and you run into me it's YOUR fault"

"Couldn't you have applied your make up at home?"

"Stop picking your nose"

"Sing louder....I can't hear"


Come on....Give us some of your ideas!....keep it clean please!!!...hahahaha...


Before attempting to fit one of the above, I would read the section below regarding vehicle lighting law:




Colour of light shown by lamps and reflectors

11.—(1) No vehicle shall be fitted with a lamp which is capable of showing a red light to the front, except-

(a) a red and white chequered domed lamp, or a red and white segmented mast-mounted warning beacon, fitted to a fire service control vehicle and intended for use at the scene of an emergency;

(b) a side marker lamp or a side retro reflector;

( c) retro reflective material or a retro reflector designed primarily to reflect light to one or both sides of the vehicle and attached to or incorporated in any wheel or tyre of-

(i) a pedal cycle and any sidecar attached to it;

(ii) a solo motor bicycle or a motor bicycle combination; or

(iii) an invalid carriage; or

(d) a traffic sign.

(2) No vehicle shall be fitted with a lamp which is capable of showing any light to the rear, other than a red light, except-

(a) amber light from a direction indicator or side marker lamp;

(b) white light from a reversing lamp;

( c) white light from a work lamp;

(d) light to illuminate the interior of a vehicle;

(e) light from an illuminated rear registration plate;

(f) light for the purposes of illuminating a taxi meter;

(g) in the case of a bus, light for the purposes of illuminating a route indicator;


Movement of lamps and reflectors

12.—(1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), no person shall use, or cause or permit to be used, on a road any vehicle to which, or to any load or equipment of which, there is fitted a lamp, reflector or marking which is capable of being moved by swivelling, deflecting or otherwise while the vehicle is in motion.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply in respect of-

(a) a headlamp which can be dipped only by the movement of the headlamp or its reflector;

(b) a headlamp which is capable of adjustment so as to compensate for the effect of the load carried by the vehicle;

( c) a lamp or reflector which can be deflected to the side by the movement of, although not necessarily through the same angle as, the front wheel or wheels of the vehicle when turned for the purpose of steering the vehicle;

(d) a headlamp or front fog lamp which can be wholly or partially retracted or concealed;

(e) a direction indicator fitted to a motor vehicle first used before 1st April 1986;

(f) a work lamp;

(g) a warning beacon;

(h) an amber pedal retro reflector; or

(i) retro reflective material or a retro reflector of any colour which is fitted so as to reflect light primarily to one or both sides of the vehicle and is attached to or incorporated in any wheel or tyre of-

(i) a pedal cycle and any sidecar attached to;

(ii) a solo motor bicycle or motor bicycle combination; or

(iii) an invalid carriage.


Lamps to show a steady light

13.—(1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), no vehicle shall be fitted with a lamp which automatically emits a flashing light.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply in respect of-

(a) a direction indicator;

(b) a headlamp fitted to an emergency vehicle;

( c) a warning beacon or special warning lamp;

(d) a lamp or illuminated sign fitted to a vehicle used for police purposes;

(e) a green warning lamp used as an anti-lock brake indicator; or

(f) lamps forming part of a traffic sign.


Road Vehicle Lighting Regulation - OPSI

They are exempt though see below


Lamps to show a steady light

13.—(1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), no vehicle shall be fitted with a lamp which automatically emits a flashing light.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply in respect of-

(a) a direction indicator;

(b) a headlamp fitted to an emergency vehicle;

( c) a warning beacon or special warning lamp;

(d) a lamp or illuminated sign fitted to a vehicle used for police purposes;

(e) a green warning lamp used as an anti-lock brake indicator; or

(f) lamps forming part of a traffic sign.

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Good grief "therascal"....such a killjoy!!!!...hahhha....But I'm sure even with all those regulations, it could be argued that that the sign was not a lamp...Yeah I know...it's a bit thin....I wonder how many traffic officers would enforce it? Do they have their sense of humour surgically removed upon appointment?


Anyway....I just thought of a couple more.


"Caution ... Grumpy git on board"

"Screaming children NOT on board, so I can actually concentrate on driving"

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Thinking about it you don't actually see cars driving around with lit signs in the back, so maybe the police don't like them?


Very observant...quite true. You don't see them. Having said that, I'm not suggesting having one permanently lit with a message scrolling, the whole time your car is being driven. I wouldn't. I'd just use it as and when appropriate, given the circumstances. I'm hardly likely to have it lit with plod following me...telling them to 'bugger off' am I? :hihi:

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