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Tories claim marriage makes for a stable society.

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How can a marriage - given it's just a ceremony followed by a few words of commitment - make society more stable? And why should they receive the planned tax breaks. I don't get it.


Two committed unwed people living together is no different to being married. So isn't it right that they receive tax breaks also? I also don't get how widows, single parents, and those who simply prefer to remain single, make society unstable. I can name many societies where marriage is the norm and their societies suffer far more violent crime, corruption, poverty and war even - hardly stable.


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Marriage is not just a "ceremony followed by a few words of commitment" for most people. I'm sure it is for some people but you can't legislate for stupidity and ignorance.


me and the missus have been together 25 years, and not married, whys marriage make it any better???

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me and the missus have been together 25 years, and not married, whys marriage make it any better???


Whats with your signature talking about about your wife, are you fantasizing or lying?.


---------- Post added 29-09-2013 at 00:00 ----------


If you see marriage as just words your right that's all they will be, if you believe the values of marriage that will rub off onto the children and more effort will be put into long term families rather than having offspring all over the place to different People.

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Its all about commitment and nothing more, most people nowadays can't commit to anything, and cant work at anything. If its not on a plate for them with roses on then they are not interested and that's one of the reasons why this country is entering the second bend down the pan.


I'll admit I'm a strong believer in old fashioned values, but to me marriage is and never will be old fashioned, how can it be? commitment can never ever be a bad thing, I love my wife to bits and couldn't ever imagine her not being my wife.


me and the missus have been together 25 years, and not married


Technically she's not your missus, what you scared of? it all going pair shaped? go on make an honest women of her. If it was going to go pear shaped I'm pretty sure it would have done so by now :hihi:



There is also the advantage of not having to be mr and mrs smith when you stay in a hotel ;):hihi::hihi:

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And gets you a few hundred quid off your tax bill.


But it costs a good few thousand to get married.


---------- Post added 29-09-2013 at 00:14 ----------


Its all about commitment and nothing more


But you can have commitment without marriage.

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