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Tories claim marriage makes for a stable society.

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exactly that!! it does weaken every part of marriage & society ,its not , and never can be a marriage, whats next 2 dogs getting married?? marriage is the shell in which to make a family, children and a home!! call it what you like a civil partnership etc but not marriage, normal married couples do make for a stable society as on the whole they want to care for their children and work hard to do that.


What a weird, queer thing to say. Some people have very strange ideas :loopy:

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.......... its all down to


A: religion

B: in the eyes of the law

C: tradition




The real origins of "marriage" were in a public event to say "we are now together", (really "she is mine") so "hands off" the rest of you!


Regardless of how the ceremony is dressed up today, that element is still valid.

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The real origins of "marriage" were in a public event to say "we are now together", (really "she is mine") so "hands off" the rest of you!


Regardless of how the ceremony is dressed up today, that element is still valid.

thats another point i dont like about it, the thought that you "own" somebody, like a piece of meat, or property

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thats another point i dont like about it, the thought that you "own" somebody, like a piece of meat, or property


I don't think that's true. Maybe it was a few years ago. But now now. It's a public commitment in front of your family friends and if your religious it's a opportunity to commitment to each other in front of god and to promise to god to be faithful to each other. If you're not religious it's an excuse for a party.

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cos adamsmith is homophobic, so he just cant allow it to be seen as anywhere like "normal"


wrong as usual Mel!! shock horror i even have some gay friends and some even work for me:roll::roll: i just happen to think marriage is for men & women to make a family, it gives kids a stable upbringing and values.

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Because it's a contradiction. If you believe that marriage is a staple of society and it's decline it's a sad thing which we should try and reverse (as I do) it's surely logical to open marriage up to gay people. Love is love. And allowing gay people to get married in a state sanctioned registry office and any religious building which wants to. Just a no-brainer


The Tories are claiming marriage makes a stable[not staple] society - which is total nonsense. Having said that, that doesn't mean I'm against marriage. I just don't see why married couples - gay or not - receive tax benefits just because they hold the "married" title(being married doesn't guarantee commitment, stability or a healthy relationship) - when committed non-married couples who are in stable and healthy long-term relationships are denied those tax privileges.


If they are going to provide tax benefits, wouldn't it be more fair to provide tax benefits to those in long-term relationships - regardless their marriage status.

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wrong as usual Mel!! shock horror i even have some gay friends and some even work for me:roll::roll: i just happen to think marriage is for men & women to make a family, it gives kids a stable upbringing and values.


You even have some gay friends! You are nice to them.

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... i just happen to think marriage is for men & women to make a family, it gives kids a stable upbringing and values.


When I was a kid, all the adults on the street were married. That included burglar Tom, drug dealer Dick, and wife beating Harry who had numerous affairs(mostly with married women). The vicars wife was a very giving woman too (she spent a lot of time with the milkman and the gardener) - and the vicar was an alcoholic.


Some of their kids turned out OK, some of them didn't. What was that about marriage and stability, upbringing and values?

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