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Tories claim marriage makes for a stable society.

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Putting your mates up when they are down on their luck is the same as financially keeping a partner, child or other economically inactive family member.


Children bring in plenty of tax credits and boost household income considerably, unlike another adult, or part time work.


As well as reducing effective taxes, surely it is only fair to extend the freedom to share tax allowances to a greater amount of people.


If you have a partner that doesn't work, then surely your tax free allowance should be doubled.

Same as if you have an unemployed mate living on the settee.


To be fair though, income tax should be abolished anyhow, it was only supposed to be temporary.

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I'm sure the Tories (ALL the ones who think that marriage makes for a stable society) will be all for allowing same sex marriage too then :thumbsup:


Indeed. "Tories To Subsidise Gay Marriage" is a headline many of them will probably not want to read.


If this is about providing support for stable two parent families for the sake of children shouldn't this apply to all those couples bringing up children and not apply to those who are not bringing up children but have just gone through a ceremony?

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I'm sure the Tories (ALL the ones who think that marriage makes for a stable society) will be all for allowing same sex marriage too then :thumbsup:


not here no thanks! civil partnership fine but marriage no ...its a bit more attention seeking:roll:


---------- Post added 29-09-2013 at 20:26 ----------


Indeed. "Tories To Subsidise Gay Marriage" is a headline many of them will probably not want to read.


If this is about providing support for stable two parent families for the sake of children shouldn't this apply to all those couples bringing up children and not apply to those who are not bringing up children but have just gone through a ceremony?


doubt we will ever read it but if we do then the country really has gone down the pan:roll:

stable families come from a husband and a wife not two husbands!!!! the poor kids having to explain at school heres my daddy and daddy or heres my mummy and mummy:loopy:

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The Tories are claiming marriage makes a stable[not staple] society - which is total nonsense. Having said that, that doesn't mean I'm against marriage. I just don't see why married couples - gay or not - receive tax benefits just because they hold the "married" title(being married doesn't guarantee commitment, stability or a healthy relationship) - when committed non-married couples who are in stable and healthy long-term relationships are denied those tax privileges.


If they are going to provide tax benefits, wouldn't it be more fair to provide tax benefits to those in long-term relationships - regardless their marriage status.


To be honest it'd probably be better if the state kept totally out of peoples relationships altogether. And just let people form relationships for love not for tax breaks. I don't actually think marriage needs saving. And a young person and I'd say that the idea of marriage is still very much alive and kicking (particularly amount the girls) most girls want a wedding day. I don't know why. But they do. So I reckon in next 5 years or so we'll start to see the number of people getting married starting to rise again.


---------- Post added 29-09-2013 at 20:32 ----------


not here no thanks! civil partnership fine but marriage no ...its a bit more attention seeking:roll:


---------- Post added 29-09-2013 at 20:26 ----------



doubt we will ever read it but if we do then the country really has gone down the pan:roll:

stable families come from a husband and a wife not two husbands!!!! the poor kids having to explain at school heres my daddy and daddy or heres my mummy and mummy:loopy:


We'll believe it or not most people don't really care if someone has got same sex or opposite sex parents. A kid at my school had lesbian parents and no one even mentioned it. To young people whether someone is gay or straight matters as much as their height or hair colour. Actually I can safely say a kid with ginger hair is far more likely to get teased than a kid who is gay or has gay parents.

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That's fair enough but some people do and possibly might be rewarded for that by the government.


Also, you don't believe in marriage but are quite happy to pass someone off as being your wife, look at your sig.

im not passing anybody off lol, read up :P

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That's fair enough but some people do and possibly might be rewarded for that by the government.


Also, you don't believe in marriage but are quite happy to pass someone off as being your wife, look at your sig.


I believe that he's quoting someone else there, most people don't talk to themselves in the 3rd person.

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