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Russell Brand and the Westboro Baptists

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What about the bits where the bible contradicts itself?


"For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. -Romans 1:26-27"




"Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. -Romans 14:13"


So gay marriage is OK according to the bible? At least Romans 14:13.

St Paul wrote his thoughts about gays,but nowhere will you read that Jesus Christ cast gays or prostitutes out.Regarding prostitutes he said that he did not condemn but to sin no more.(Sin being the old word for bad habits). ..........remember the bible was written by men and although supposedly inspired by God there will always be room for debate on certain issues.
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Have you heard anything (interviews/debates) by Russel lately, Mel?
I've heard a couple, seen him on Question time too. As long as he isn't telling unfunny jokes I don't mind him.

Although he's definitely matured lately he still can't resist those mischievous antics, but that's what he's getting paid for, isn't it?

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Why would anybody even waste their time on the Westboro church? They're idiots and scumbags, not worth the time of day


Regrettably the media does give them the oxygen of publicity from time to time.


There was a low rent horror flick I watched, well part watched called Red Heat. For some reason that reminded me of the Westboro mob. I mean what could a bunch of religious fanatics get up to?

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Is that the one where Arnie reads the line "you should not drink … and bake", in the bottom of a saucepan?


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 01:07 ----------


no, i try to keep away from the unfunny, nauseating, annoying, loudmouthed toerag


erm i meant russell brand by the way



When he's being Russell Brand the columnist, he's well read, writes well and espouses his beliefs eloquently - many of which you'd agree with Mel. He's not as bad as his Russell Brand the shrieking comedian persona would lead you to believe.

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I call myself a Christian. I believe that God is love. I believe it is possible to be gay and be Christian. I don't see much in the way the Westboro Baptists conduct themselves that remind me of Christ very much.
...... I believe that God is love............so true! when you experience true love,not the sloppy corporate version but St Pauls explanation of true love in Corinthians, that's when you experience God.No good looking for a beardy fellow in the skies he does not exist, no more than Santa.True love as St Paul describes is a very narrow gate to get through,and whilst I hold many Christian beliefs, the goal to get through the gate is tough for us.However there is help on the way if you just ask!
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Why would anybody even waste their time on the Westboro church? They're idiots and scumbags, not worth the time of day
I got that impression when I saw the Louis Theroux programme about the church and its forty members, not to mention the crazy family that started it going..
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