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2015 Leaders Debates on TV

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I'd like a Farage versus Cameron debate. I have voted Conservative since turning 18 in 1987 up till recently when I 'defected' to UKIP who presently represent my opinions more than the Tories.


I'm close to reverting back to the Tories but won't just yet. I want us out of Europe, controlling our own borders, upholding British laws and getting rid of the ridiculous Human Rights Act.


Along with no more wind farms and sundry other issues, UKIP still appeal to me.




I am voting for UKIP. I just hope that people who say they are voting UKIP do not change their minds on election day and decide to vote for The Conservatives. I do not trust Cameron, if he is re-elected, to give us a vote on the EU.


I would love to see Farage in a live debate with Cameron. Farage has proved that he is capable of debating with minor politicians and also with senior politicians, such a Nick Clegg when they debated live on TV, whether we should stay in Europe.


I really think Farage he will do well under pressure. I was impressed with him when I saw him live at the Sage Centre in Gateshead. Particularly when some yobs started shouting abuse at him, he really handled the situation well.


I am hoping that UKIP will receive the same amount of votes as the Lib Dems in the last election and look at the power they have. Like you I want to be out of the EU and also to take control of our boarders, more so now that the EU are talking about Turkey becoming members of the EU. I think that will be the end of England if we are still in the EU with open boarders.


---------- Post added 13-01-2015 at 21:14 ----------


Apparently, all three leaders have agreed they don't want Farage involved in the TV debate. Nice to know there's something all three leaders can agree on.

But I wonder why?


Could it be because they are frightened of him?

Edited by hauxwell
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The more people taking part in a debate, the less effective it will be as a debate. Having three, last time, was bad enough.


IMO, they are a waste of time. it would be better to have separate interviews with each leader, to get into some detail. Although the problem then will be that BBC, ITN and Sky would all want to be asking the questions.


It seems clear that Cameron has tried to scupper the debate by insisting on the Greens being part of it. Generally, it is regarded that debates do not favour the encumbent. The encumbent prime minister is seen as being a statesman, important on the international stage. By allowing lesser mortals such as opposition party leaders onto the same platform to debate with him, they will be brought up to his level and all given extra kudos that they wouldn't otherwise receive. He would be on a loser. That's why he doesn't want to do it.

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It's a bit depressing that the only way a sizeable minority of the British electorate can be persuaded to sum up an iota of interest in the General Election/how they should cast their vote, is by making a rather grotesque TV celebrity insultathon out of of it. The Great British Slag-Off, etc.


However if that is the way it must be, then a 'knock out' system would imo work best. Have a number of rounds (starting with reps from parties with lower numbers of members/votes in last election, whatever), from which the best particpants (as judged by the public) go forward to the next round. The final round would be Cameron, Milliband and whoever emerges successful from the earlier rounds. That way it doesn't degenerate into a slanging match involving 10 egos at once.

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