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Suspected Muslim extemists kill dozens in 3rd Peshawar bombing


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I think you missed the point here. The celebration of Bonfire Night is about the discovery and foiling of a terrorist plot. Wouldn't it be good if the attacks of 9/11 which killed thousands of innocent civilians had been foiled and the perpetrators bought to justice without it resulting in mass destruction and death?


If that had happened it would be worth a day of celebration too.


It would be good if people didn't see things in such black and white terms. If they looked under the bonnet, saw more profoundly the similarities between those they call terrorists and those they call upholders of law and justice.


People are very one-sided don't you think?

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not all muslims are terrorists, but it does appear that all terrorists are muslims these days.


And with that little nutshell, i'll bid you good afternoon.

Lets see who argues with that 'fact' eh.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 13:35 ----------


dont forget, they dont represent islam. In fact muslim terrorists and islam are about as different as apples and oranges.


Or chalk n cheese !

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Yet another atrocity in the name of god. 3 in a week in Peshawar alone.



An explosion has ripped through a market in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, leaving at least 33 dead and dozens wounded, officials say.


Police said a bomb had exploded in the Kissa Khwani market, with shops and vehicles set alight.


The blast comes a week after a double suicide bombing that killed at least 80 people at a church in the city.


On Friday, at least 17 people were killed in the bombing of a bus carrying government employees near Peshawar.


The vast majority of Pakistani public seem to take these everyday bombing as the norm. They still have not grasped the fact that Muslim fanatics are harming their lives in every way possible and killing their own people. This mass stupor is working very well for the muslim fanatics who want to exterminate all non - Muslims, Shias and the Ahmediyas.


Unless there is a mass uprising against the fanatics, radicals and the terrorists nothing will change in Pakistan and it will continue to be a threat to the whole world by constantly supplying terrorists.

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As with another thread posts containing personal comments have been deleted.


And I'll repeat the warning from the other thread too.


As this forum has demonstrated on numerous occasions that it cannot discuss any topic concerning Muslims without descending into personal insults and xenophobic generalisations, I will make this simple.


The very next legitimate report we get on this thread will result in it's closure.


Anyone making a malicious report will find themselves suspended.


Anyone making personal comments about other users in this thread from this point on will also find themselves suspended.


I understand that this is a touchy subject for a lot of forum users and the discussion is liable to become heated, we don't mind this, discuss the topic by all means, but sweeping generalisations blaming the majority for the actions of a few and attacking the person rather than their argument will not be tolerated.


The thread will reopen shortly when you've had a chance to read this.

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dont forget, they dont represent islam. In fact muslim terrorists and islam are about as different as apples and different types of apples oranges.


the problem is, the quran does tell muslims to kill non muslims. it says a lot of other things that are contradictory, like most religious text, but you dont even have to take the text out of context, it blatantly says kill non muslim's.


And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.


And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.


Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 13:44 ----------


Only if we ban the Holy Bible at the same time:


"Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the LORD must be destroyed".

Exodus 22:20


The problem is the old testament is not what Christians follow. The old Testament/Jewish Bible is the routes of the religion, but Jesus came (if you subscribe to Christianity) and told his followers to follow in his name. This is the reason why Christians can say with some conviction, their religion is the religion of peace.


The Old Testament God is very different to the New Testament God.

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