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Suspected Muslim extemists kill dozens in 3rd Peshawar bombing


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That would be an ecumenical matter!


Hey stop using big words on me, I'm an ex believer! ;)


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 17:16 ----------


When I was at school I had a desk on which someone had carved "Eric Clapton is God". Since then I've seen no evidence to suggest that claim wasn't as valid as any other.


Hmm it seems we come from opposite spectrums of the theological spectrum. My bible says Phil Lynott's god, Eric and Jimmy were two of the disciples :)

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Coming to a place near you soon...


A must watch. These people encourage terrorism as mentioned in the OP..




Interesting. What's equally interesting are the first two comments on the video.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 17:25 ----------




You shifted that quick enough mafya! ;)

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Interesting. What's equally interesting are the first two comments on the video.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 17:25 ----------



You shifted that quick enough mafya! ;)


I didn't want to get mortified!

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The closest to god?


The Church of Google



We at the Church of Google believe the search engine Google is the closest humankind has ever come to directly experiencing an actual God (as typically defined). We believe there is much more evidence in favour of Google's divinity than there is for the divinity of other more traditional gods.


We reject supernatural gods on the notion they are not scientifically provable. Thus, Googlists believe Google should rightfully be given the title of "God", as She exhibits a great many of the characteristics traditionally associated with such Deities in a scientifically provable manner.


We have compiled a list of nine proofs which definitively prove Google is the closest thing to a "god" human beings have ever directly experienced.


And it`s a she...apparently.




Better evidence than the koran or the bible anyway.

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The problem is the old testament is not what Christians follow.


I partly agree. But that's not the case for all Christians. A lot of Christians still use the OT as a guide - and some still believe, perhaps selectively, that the OT laws and values are just as valid today as they were back then. Jesus himself, if he existed, is claimed to have said he hadn't come to abolish the old laws.


Also, a lot of what different Christians believe today about their religion, would have been completely alien or blasphemous to the minds of Christians a 100 years ago... and so on. Just as equally, a lot of Christians today would think those old Christian views were horrendous.


The Old Testament God is very different to the New Testament God...This is the reason why Christians can say with some conviction, their religion is the religion of peace.


Personally, I think a religion of peace wouldn't condemn or threaten those who believe differently. And there seems to be quite a lot of that in both the Quran and NT. Christian history isn't exactly peaceful also.

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I partly agree. But that's not the case for all Christians. A lot of Christians still use the OT as a guide - and some still believe, perhaps selectively, that the OT laws and values are just as valid today as they were back then. Jesus himself, if he existed, is claimed to have said he hadn't come to abolish the old laws.


Also, a lot of what different Christians believe today about their religion, would have been completely alien or blasphemous to the minds of Christians a 100 years ago... and so on. Just as equally, a lot of Christians today would think those old Christian views were horrendous.


Therein is the difference. A christian can pick and choose which parts of the OT to learn from and disregard the outdated parts. Compared to the quran which is to be taken in full without any deviation or change as it is believed to be the word of god. This I believe is the root of the problem with Islam. There is no open discussion on how the out dated parts could and should be disregarded. Those who do are met with hostility, violence and exile from their communities. Muslim have no freedom in their religion, this is best depicted by the death threats even western citizens who wish to leave the religion.

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