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Suspected Muslim extemists kill dozens in 3rd Peshawar bombing


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Therein is the difference. A christian can pick and choose which parts of the OT to learn from and disregard the outdated parts. Compared to the quran which is to be taken in full without any deviation or change as it is believed to be the word of god. This I believe is the root of the problem with Islam. There is no open discussion on how the out dated parts could and should be disregarded. Those who do are met with hostility, violence and exile from their communities. Muslim have no freedom in their religion, this is best depicted by the death threats even western citizens who wish to leave the religion.


And Christians and most other religions will excommunicate or spiritually disbar persons who act against the interests of that religion. It seems that unless it is Salman Rushdie no one involved with Islam is interested in doing the same with their miscreants.

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Whilst the other Abrahamic religions have certainly been through their extremist, violent, genocidal phases; the world was a very different place when they did so.


In medieval times and earlier the ability of a small group of fanatics to achieve mass slaughter was limited, the primary weapon for such religiously inspired murder being hand held sharp bits of metal.


There is no room in the modern world of high explosives and weapons of mass destruction for such nonsense. We know far too much about the world, much of which we learned from the ancestors of the peoples of the arabian peninsula, to still be going in for this kind of behaviour.


We haven't yet reached the point where we all take religion with a pinch of salt, or ignore it completely, but everyone in their right mind should realise that the gods leave mankind to it's own affairs and divine intervention is vanishingly rare.


Don't forget that the combined strength of the non-muslim world far exceeds that of the muslim world and there are only so many times that muslim extremists can declare all out war (in the name of their god) on the rest of us before we take them up on their offer. I don't fancy their chances. The moderate muslims of the world, who I strongly suspect are the vast majority, need to take their extremists in hand before it gets to that point. Because despite their innocence in the crimes of their extremists they are largely the ones who will suffer if and when it really kicks off.

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