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What Was The Big Demo In Manchester About Today?

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Its curious how much news that could be percieved as being negative towards the tory party is not reported by the BBC


Censorship anyone??


What they don't know won't hurt them .... etc. The real reason behind the Leveson Enquiry

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You win the lamest post of the day award. Go read up dude.


I think he's referring to things like this:


Top of the list, according to the report, was Michael Bradley, of the General Federation of Trade Unions, whose package totalled £203,416. His salary was £65,594, but other benefits, including pension payments, were worth £137,822 – boosted by a ‘loss of office’ payment of £30,000 when he retired at the end of December last year.


Christine Blower, of the NUT, enjoyed total remuneration of £142,363, a rise of £13,353 on the previous year, according to the report. Brendan Barber, head of the TUC, was on £139,634 (up £17,040), while Len McCluskey of Unite was on £122,434.




Bear in mind that the Prime Minister (of the whole flippin' country) only receives £142,500.



“Comrades!' he cried. 'You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples.”

― George Orwell, Animal Farm

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I would like to know how many of the "50,000" there today were private sector workers. And how many were net contributors to the exchequer. My guess would be 5% and 0.005%


"Us", whose "us"? I thought that you've worked for the public sector.


How can he work for the public sector? he's on here all the time.

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50,000 people protested in London yesterday, but there is hardly a word of it in today's papers. Only 1 newspaper even mentions it, and there was a 2 second mention on the BBC so short if you blinked you missed it.


Surely this is news and something that people have a right to know about. It should open up discussion. It also opens up the debate that it's only when violence breaks out that these demonstrations get any attention.


50,000 is not a small number, and shows deep disquiet in the population. Unfortunately I don't know anymore about it because of what is in effect a media blackout.


Who is sanctioning what amounts to censorship in a free society? And why? Or are we simply getting more like China?

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I wouldn't mind the protesters so much if they didn't have such short term memories.


Much of their protest and placards were about concerns of NHS privatisation, which is more than fair enough.


But they can't seem to remember how much of it was introduced in 2008 under Labour.


Just one of many examples:


Alistair Darling paid thousands by NHS Privatisation Company


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