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Can You Be Left Wing And Still Agree With The EDL?

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Many of the EDL are old Labour voters who got thrown on the scrapheap in Thatchers time in office. Who are worried about immigration and "militant Islam" so go to EDL demos. However i don't think anyone who considers themselves as a modern decent human being can support the EDL its not a issue of left or right.


In my opinion the makeup of the EDL is as follows:

75%-scallys from the local estates who view the demos as a opportunity for a drinking session and hopefully a fight. Most probably don't know what islam is!

10%- People who are genuinely concerned about Islam. They probably just see the likes of Anjem Chaudry as the norm for muslims and view the EDL as the best way to fight back.

10%- Local people who are actually concerned about local issues. For whatever reason are scared of a mosque being built near them etc etc.

5%- Actual die-hard EDL members who view the EDL as a social club.

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Many of the EDL are old Labour voters who got thrown on the scrapheap in Thatchers time in office. Who are worried about immigration and "militant Islam" so go to EDL demos. However i don't think anyone who considers themselves as a modern decent human being can support the EDL its not a issue of left or right.


In my opinion the makeup of the EDL is as follows:

75%-scallys from the local estates who view the demos as a opportunity for a drinking session and hopefully a fight. Most probably don't know what islam is!

10%- People who are genuinely concerned about Islam. They probably just see the likes of Anjem Chaudry as the norm for muslims and view the EDL as the best way to fight back.

10%- Local people who are actually concerned about local issues. For whatever reason are scared of a mosque being built near them etc etc.

5%- Actual die-hard EDL members who view the EDL as a social club.


Bang on the nail.

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They probably aren't left wingers any more. Not since middle-class liberals took over the left and encourage mass immigration to weaken the bargaining power of the British working man.


What bargainning power did the British working man have prior to middle class liberals taking over the left?

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What bargainning power did the British working man have prior to middle class liberals taking over the left?


Strikes and walk outs . . .


---------- Post added 29-09-2013 at 22:36 ----------


Quite a few got thrown on the scrapheap during labours 13 years of power.


Utter gonads. Prove it.

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Strikes and walk outs . . .


---------- Post added 29-09-2013 at 22:36 ----------



Utter gonads. Prove it.


But I thought Happ Hazzard hated trade unions, or perhaps it's only ones that represent middle class public servants he doesn't like. (Even though he's been one himself) :roll:

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