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Can You Be Left Wing And Still Agree With The EDL?

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Its a pity the EDL has been infected by so many rabble rousers. There are serious issues that need a pressure group to represent the majority

The EDL were spawned from football hooligans and ex-BNP members. Let's not feign suprise that they're thugs.


Secondly, which EDL are we to agree with? The media "anti-Islamism" version, or the street "send the pakis home" version?

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I observed the EDL party at Sheffield Lane Top recently and I came to the conclusion that many who attended looked like old trad Labour voters. Scuffy lot IMHO. Like me :hihi:


So, do some left wingers agree with the EDL? And keep it secret?




It goes to show that the single issue the EDL are interested in is not exclusive to either side of the political spectrum. This is why the EDL should not be ignored.

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Many of the EDL are old Labour voters who got thrown on the scrapheap in Thatchers time in office.


If they were in their 40s or 50s in the early/mid-1980s, they must be pushing 70 or 80 by now.


If they were younger, how have they manged to spend 30 years on the "scrapheap", especially given the so-called boom times of the Blair years.


That really must take some doing.


Of course, if they are EDL supporters, one mustn't rule out cretinous stupidity as a factor. :D

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If they were in their 40s or 50s in the early/mid-1980s, they must be pushing 70 or 80 by now.


If they were younger, how have they manged to spend 30 years on the "scrapheap", especially given the so-called boom times of the Blair years.


That really must take some doing.


Of course, if they are EDL supporters, one mustn't rule out cretinous stupidity as a factor. :D


There will be people using a Mrs Thatcher as an excuse for their misfortune for another couple of hundred years. :)

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Many of the EDL are old Labour voters who got thrown on the scrapheap in Thatchers time in office. Who are worried about immigration and "militant Islam" so go to EDL demos. However i don't think anyone who considers themselves as a modern decent human being can support the EDL its not a issue of left or right.


In my opinion the makeup of the EDL is as follows:

75%-scallys from the local estates who view the demos as a opportunity for a drinking session and hopefully a fight. Most probably don't know what islam is!

10%- People who are genuinely concerned about Islam. They probably just see the likes of Anjem Chaudry as the norm for muslims and view the EDL as the best way to fight back.

10%- Local people who are actually concerned about local issues. For whatever reason are scared of a mosque being built near them etc etc.

5%- Actual die-hard EDL members who view the EDL as a social club.


Re bib. I'm sure that EDL members and supporters regard themselves as decent human beings, as do pretty much anyone of any political view. Everyone thinks they are right and fair.

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If they were in their 40s or 50s in the early/mid-1980s, they must be pushing 70 or 80 by now.


If they were younger, how have they manged to spend 30 years on the "scrapheap", especially given the so-called boom times of the Blair years.


That really must take some doing.


Of course, if they are EDL supporters, one mustn't rule out cretinous stupidity as a factor. :D


1980'S youth thrown on the scrap heap, Work Experience :rolleyes:, 2013 kids of those youths also thrown on the scrap heap, that really must take some doing, wonder what lies in store for their kids.

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The EDL were spawned from football hooligans and ex-BNP members. Let's not feign suprise that they're thugs.


Secondly, which EDL are we to agree with? The media "anti-Islamism" version, or the street "send the pakis home" version?


As I said, there are different motivations for supporting the EDL. Anti Islam, followers who agree with the leaderships stance on this ie Islam is a primitive way of life with no benefit to the country, then there's the football hooligans and lastly ordinary people, who are concerned about a local issue.


If you listen to the leaders of the organisation there is no racism in any of their interviews or statement. On the contrary they agree with immigration.


Then you have those who want to have a day out, a drink and a possible fight. At the recent Sheffield Lane Top protest most of these came from local ponds.


There were also many ordinary local people who didn't want another Mosque in the area.


The EDL will never gain widespread support because of the Pond Life's involvement though. Unless there's another major terrorist incident which will cause a knee jerk spike in followers.

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