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Can You Be Left Wing And Still Agree With The EDL?

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If you listen to the leaders of the organisation there is no racism in any of their interviews or statement. On the contrary they agree with immigration.

The violent ex-BNP criminals that are the leaders? Those leaders?


They tend to avoid the blatant racism when on the tele. I'll give them that.

Then you have those who want to have a day out, a drink and a possible fight.

In EDL terms that covers most of them, if we're being frank. Let's not play games that they're into peaceful protest. The irony may cause me a mischief.

There were also many ordinary local people who didn't want another Mosque in the area.

The wisdom of crowds. The planning application was for a take-away, but the locals who didn't want a mosque had a nice day out.



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They probably aren't left wingers any more. Not since middle-class liberals took over the left and encourage mass immigration to weaken the bargaining power of the British working man.


The middle classes have allowed immigration to undermine the white working class. They now have greater choice of tradesmen and child-minders,which allows their wives to take up research posts investigating sexism and discrimination inn the media/workplace etc.

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