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Working for dole money

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It is more Tory divisive nastiness, turning people against each other and making out all who don't work are scroungers. He says that people will have to work, picking litter up, help out charities or cook meals for the elderly. Another well thought out plan from the nasty party, who is going to pay for the CRB checks that are needed when working with vulnerable people? Okay not all old people are vulnerable but a lot are and to work with them you need a CRB check. No mention of the rich paying more just squeeze the ordinary people more.

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im all for people to work but working for your dole money are they going to get help getting there and Cameron says if they haven't got a job theve got to go to dole office every single day is he for real


Better that they get used to going somewhere every day instead of getting used to staying in bed every day.

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In ancient Rome there was no dole, there was free bread. To receive any more than that you had a patron to whom you reported every day. You would do the tasks he set you according to your ability and you were paid, daily, for the services you rendered.


Those who did not work (other than the free bread) did not eat.


Personally, I would copy this system. (Without the bread).


PS If they rioted they got slaughtered. This was a successful system for well over 500 years and only failed when the state went soft.

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In ancient Rome there was no dole, there was free bread. To receive any more than that you had a patron to whom you reported every day. You would do the tasks he set you according to your ability and you were paid, daily, for the services you rendered.


Those who did not work (other than the free bread) did not eat.


Personally, I would copy this system. (Without the bread).


PS If they rioted they got slaughtered. This was a successful system for well over 500 years and only failed when the state went soft.


This is not 500 years BC

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Better that they get used to going somewhere every day instead of getting used to staying in bed every day.


Absolutely. It seems the left still fail to acknowledge that too many people are willing to just sit at home and do nothing. What do they contribute to society? So why not make them contribute something and allow them to earn some self respect at the same time?


The reasons against doing this stated so far either demonstrate wilful ignorance or plain stupidity.

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I can see councils getting rid of more cleaning services, why should they pay people a living wage when they can get people doing it for nothing.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 10:27 ----------


Absolutely. It seems the left still fail to acknowledge that too many people are willing to just sit at home and do nothing. What do they contribute to society? So why not make them contribute something and allow them to earn some self respect at the same time?


The reasons against doing this stated so far either demonstrate wilful ignorance or plain stupidity.


So all the people that have stated against it on here so far are ignorant or stupid?

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