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Working for dole money

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I bet there were plenty of reporters and cameras there. Did he do it for at least a year for £60pw week without access to his millions?


Thought not.


Osborne is one of the biggest benefit scroungers around, if you have to ask why, see numerous threads on here about MPs and expenses etc - all from the public perse, yet will he pick up litter everyday otherwise his salary will be stopped?


Are policemen, paramedic, firemen and MPs being forced to pick up litter for their salaries? Their money is coming from the public purse too


Are you volunteering in charity shops Mecky? Even for one day?


Regarding Osborne, I do hope photographers were there - an excellent opportunity to make the idle think about doing just the same thing.

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In ancient Rome there was no dole, there was free bread. To receive any more than that you had a patron to whom you reported every day. You would do the tasks he set you according to your ability and you were paid, daily, for the services you rendered.


Those who did not work (other than the free bread) did not eat.


Personally, I would copy this system. (Without the bread).


PS If they rioted they got slaughtered. This was a successful system for well over 500 years and only failed when the state went soft.


I know the right wing tend to live in the past but this posts pushing it a bit :P

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Making them work for the money is fine, as long as the hours match the dole being paid out, and as long as travel is included.


What they will do is make them work 9-5 Monday to Friday using backroom deals with such as Tesco.


Which is very Victorian of them isn't it.

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Making them work for the money is fine, as long as the hours match the dole being paid out, and as long as travel is included.


What they will do is make them work 9-5 Monday to Friday using backroom deals with such as Tesco.


Which is very Victorian of them isn't it.

Most people have to pay for their own travel to work.


Will people who claim the maximum £26,000 in Housing benefit have to work enough hours to cover that?


Who do you think is more likely to do a good job and make sure the people are actually working and not slacking. Tesco, or some public sector person. The latter would be more likely to let them go home earlier so he could do the same.

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>>@ Haphazzard,


In order for a4E to get their Bonus, They have to Pick you up and put you in a Job, If I find a Job that's not A4E Related, they Contact JCP in order to get you Sanctioned, to prevent you taking the Job.


Three years ago you could get help to carry you over to your first pay check.


So after a year of unemployment, I found a Job, Yippee, I was made up, I had one more sighing day, So informed the JCP when I signed on that I was starting work on Monday.


You're not they replied, We have already arranged for you to go to A4E,


But why would I go on A4E When I have a Job To Go To? I asked.


Because A4E are going to find you work, You can Appeal the decision if you want to, But we'll suspend your benefits while we investigate you case.


So three years later I get a Job Offer, Not A4E Related. With about two Months to go on A4E, I Relocate, and Have a month until I start. I inform all the necessary people of whats Happening, and Guess what?


I get a Sanction, one month with no Money, So what I had scraped together to see me until My first paycheck (NO Financial Help Available), is now being used to Keep Me.


After spending £10 pounds on Phone calls, (9 of the 10 not appropriate, But always put on hold), I eventually find out why I was sanctioned, A4E Has "Raised A concern".


And That's it, They have Raised a Concern, No further information available.


Ultimately I had to tell the company that I Would not be able to start as agreed, This just about broke me. After a month was up I get the inevitable Brown Letter through the Post.


"Recently there was a decision regards your Benefits Payments, Blah Blah Blah. We have determined that this was not the case."


Do they pay the back benefit? Nope.


So no Job And No Benefits.


Yep, It's Real Easy Street.


I don't get why you didn't just start the job you had been offered.

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