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Working for dole money

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Most people have to pay for their own travel to work.


Will people who claim the maximum £26,000 in Housing benefit have to work enough hours to cover that?


Who do you think is more likely to do a good job and make sure the people are actually working and not slacking. Tesco, or some public sector person. The latter would be more likely to let them go home earlier so he could do the same.


They do, but most people are not on just £60 a week. And despite what you think, the rubbish the daily moron printed is rare.


You really must be thick if you believe the rubbish they put out.

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I doubt it will happen for the simple reason that it's almost impossible to come up with 2 -3 million 30 hour a week jobs even if they're in the community and unpaid.


Ask any teacher how hard it is to find work placements for students. Or how well community service works, The administration alone will be a nightmare. Won't many community jobs require CRB clearance? Who will monitor the work done? etc. Will anything be paid for travelling expenses?


What will happen however is that more and more people will get their benefits stopped for more and more unfair or trivial reasons, at best putting the support burdon on families and friends, or at worst putting more homeless and beggers on the street.


This will then be reported as a great success.

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Welcome to angos's fantastical world of merry go round.


Heh he is just attempting to troll you.


The people have an option though.


Work experience

Work experience needs to be useful to a potential employer otherwise its more like a community service punishment than anything else.


or visit the job centre everday, which would cost them about 30% of their jsa.


This is pretty useless because job centres dont have the resources or space to cope with loads of people visiting at the same time. They can barely manage now. Most jobs are on the internet these days. People need internet access.


Training, although this looks very low grade and of little use unless you are struggling with reading and writing.


Training is one of he options that should have been available all along. It has to be relevant and of a decent standard. Its a waste of money if an employer wouldnt find it useful.

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I agree this has to be done right and not used as a way of getting around the minimum wage but the principle of getting long term unemployed to do something is spot on it's not healthy for them or society to be doing nothing.Its nowhere near as tough as some European country's like Spain where they get nothing after 2 years.

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I agree this has to be done right and not used as a way of getting around the minimum wage but the principle of getting long term unemployed to do something is spot on it's not healthy for them or society to be doing nothing.Its nowhere near as tough as some European country's like Spain where they get nothing after 2 years.


It also weeds the fraudsters out, its going to be very difficult to work for your dole at the same time as working for cash in hand.

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Blimey, everyone is out in force today.




so if they going to force them to work or loose dole, I can see someone taking them to court for not paying minimum wage and then its going to cost millions in compensation



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


You have a point. Perhaps they should stop the benefit first after 2 years, then give the option to do community work for minimum wage.


I wonder what the people on 26k will think to that?




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Don't A4E make money for getting people into work?


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 12:35 ----------


How does this work? How would they know if you found a job that wasn't A4E related and how would being sanctioned prevent you from taking the job? If you had the job, you would be able to sign off JSA, surely?


I cannot comment on Jaces experience. However I have experience of dealing with A 4 E on a administrative level and find them very poor. They tick enough boxes to get paid but don't do nearly enough to genuinely find people work.


They are currently under investigation alongside others, for fraud. This relates to public money and is on the face of very serious. I have to say that when this all came out I was not at all surprised.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 14:52 ----------


I doubt it will happen for the simple reason that it's almost impossible to come up with 2 -3 million 30 hour a week jobs even if they're in the community and unpaid.


Ask any teacher how hard it is to find work placements for students. Or how well community service works, The administration alone will be a nightmare. Won't many community jobs require CRB clearance? Who will monitor the work done? etc. Will anything be paid for travelling expenses?


What will happen however is that more and more people will get their benefits stopped for more and more unfair or trivial reasons, at best putting the support burdon on families and friends, or at worst putting more homeless and beggers on the street.


This will then be reported as a great success.


There is no reason it cant be a wonderful success. You say there are no jobs, there is plenty of litter, canals to be dredged and cleaned. Whats complicated about getting a CRB check?

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