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Working for dole money

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I don't know anyone getting £26,000 a year in housing benefit and I bet you don't either. In fact very few people do. The only people who might come anywhere near that are a few in London who happen to have washed up in expensive areas, and they will undoubtedly soon be shipped out to Hastings or somewhere cheaper.


Stop listening to spin.


This is an unemployed couple with four kids living in private rented accommodation in Rotherham, £26,719.36


Tax Credits .............. £11,439.10

Income Support ........£5,868.68

Council Tax Support....£1,045.82

Housing Benefit..........£5,219.76

Child Benefit..............£3,146.00

Total Entitlements.......£26,719.36



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How long is unemploymnet going to fall for, when employers can get the job done for free?


You just implied it's rising - it's not.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 16:51 ----------


This is an unemployed couple with four kids living in private rented accommodation in Rotherham, £26,719.36


Tax Credits .............. £11,439.10

Income Support ........£5,868.68

Council Tax Support....£1,045.82

Housing Benefit..........£5,219.76

Child Benefit..............£3,146.00

Total Entitlements.......£26,719.36




Absolutely laughable. Under no circumstances can someone being in receipt of that sort of money tax free be considered justifiable.

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If unemployed are to help look after elderly to get their dole who will pay for their police check


It will be funded centrally and deducted from their social in 12 equal payments.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 17:26 ----------


Will be soon...


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 16:11 ----------



Yes. Not sure what it is at moment. It used to be £40 - and you needed a new one every time you changed jobs.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 16:17 ----------



Most EU countries have benefits, some more generous than ours. Many other countries not in EU also have generous benefits.


I don't know anyone getting £26,000 a year in housing benefit and I bet you don't either. In fact very few people do. The only people who might come anywhere near that are a few in London who happen to have washed up in expensive areas, and they will undoubtedly soon be shipped out to Hastings or somewhere cheaper.


Stop listening to spin.


Most European countries do not have the inbuilt, idle malingerers that the social welfare system in this country has encouraged.


Stop defending the indefensible.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 17:28 ----------


You forget that most voluntary agencies will not want to take people who are compelled to be there because they will be a nightmare to supervise.


That means they will have to employ people to run these schemes and step forward a4e and serco. The same people who are making tens of millions running the other schemes that dont work.


Offer people meaningful work experience or relevant training.


I work in the voluntary sector, I would love the opportunity of working with such people.

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I have mentioned the forcing of the out of work into work, for some time, as the Tesco's exposure was just the litmus test. So now our caring politicians are starting to show their colors, as the called scroungers are FORCED to work for their pathetic handouts. This will make the sadists most happy, until of course the scapegoats no longer exist, and then who might be next? No need not be speculative. Its all so predictable, and the saying "they came for the people down the street and I did nothing" really begins, as they are of course eventually coming for YOU. The question is when.


After the 1-2 million put on benefits through the NECESSARY cuts, being the new slave labor force, them Nazis had the right idea, just the wrong time, and wrong targets. The next parasites to be scapegoated are pensioners, who like the benefit lot, do nothing for their money, and many escaped the rising of the pension age, and are another army of potential workers to be exploited and vilified. Maybe it will soon be the right time for street corner euthanasia shops, where undertaking again becomes industialised under the sanitised corporate logos of course. All that housing can be freed up for those that can afford to survive, on a topped up wage, by way of corporate generosity, by the taxpayer of course.


This is a fantastic moment in our culture, a marker, where sadism is legitimised as a necessary force to make not just aimed at the unemployed but the physically and psychologically ill. They too will experience the sweet taste of being bullied by sadistic officials, who are “just doing their job” so that’s all right innit!


Thatcher’s dream of revised Victorian values, where the streets were full of beggars who in this age will eventually fill up corporate run prisons of course. Got to keep those bonuses and dividends flowing.


When will they force the young into a few years of military service, for the common good of course, character building will be the sales pitch, where they can learn to accept orders without questioning. Such social engineering might make people feel it inappropriate to question where this is all going. But we all know really don't we?


So lets enjoy kicking scapegoats till its our turn to be vilified, but by then it will be too late of course, your age will qualify you automatically. What a joke is being played on people, they just do not realise how funny it is!!!!!

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It's always easier to punch down. I bet Osbourne got a standing ovation for his speech from the Tory faithful.


Oh, I wonder how the job-centre staff felt when it was announced that long term job seekers will have to sign on every day? More work for the staff but no extra money, I bet they just love that!

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It's always easier to punch down. I bet Osbourne got a standing ovation for his speech from the Tory faithful.


Considering some of the comments on here it's not difficult to see why he would. I wonder what they'd be saying if they got pushed around?

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