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Working for dole money

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You forget that most voluntary agencies will not want to take people who are compelled to be there because they will be a nightmare to supervise.


That means they will have to employ people to run these schemes and step forward a4e and serco. The same people who are making tens of millions running the other schemes that dont work.


Offer people meaningful work experience or relevant training.

like we had in the 80s before the government started destroying them


i enjoyed my community programme i was on, cant remember how much it was now but it wasnt too bad

think then they brought in yts and extra tenner schemes, cutting down how much to pay people

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it won't be long before companies that can't afford someone full time take in people via the Job Center just because it'll be cheap labour..


I don't see a problem making those long term unemployed to a little work, but wouldn't it be better putting them in actual training courses that gives them an actual qualification at the end, instead of the rubbish "courses" they send them on.. this would give better prospects for lots of people, who want to work, or want to do the courses they require, but can't afford the courses, or can't find the work as a result etc... (like me)..


Most places want the paper, not the experience... at least, that's how it seems to go with me.

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I wouldn't want ANYONE looking after the elderly because they were forced to.

Would you like someone looking after your elderly relatives who resented doing so?

More opportunities for abuse & bad behaviour towards the elderly.


some that supposedly want to work with em are bad enough as weve found out in undercover operations :(


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 19:40 ----------


it won't be long before companies that can't afford someone full time take in people via the Job Center just because it'll be cheap labour..


I don't see a problem making those long term unemployed to a little work, but wouldn't it be better putting them in actual training courses that gives them an actual qualification at the end, instead of the rubbish "courses" they send them on.. this would give better prospects for lots of people, who want to work, or want to do the courses they require, but can't afford the courses, or can't find the work as a result etc... (like me)..


Most places want the paper, not the experience... at least, that's how it seems to go with me.

i was the opposite, plenty of IT especially qualifications but 18 years without work experience

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I just hope that they have learned something from the A4E fiasco. the 300 million (start up), so goodness knows what the total cost of the life time of the scheme will be?

the money should go to the local community NOT some big agency who will hoover up every last penny for their own (and share holders) pockets.

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This is an unemployed couple with four kids living in private rented accommodation in Rotherham, £26,719.36


Tax Credits .............. £11,439.10

Income Support ........£5,868.68

Council Tax Support....£1,045.82

Housing Benefit..........£5,219.76

Child Benefit..............£3,146.00

Total Entitlements.......£26,719.36




This is not £26,000 in housing benefit.

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This is an unemployed couple with four kids living in private rented accommodation in Rotherham, £26,719.36


Tax Credits .............. £11,439.10

Income Support ........£5,868.68

Council Tax Support....£1,045.82

Housing Benefit..........£5,219.76

Child Benefit..............£3,146.00

Total Entitlements.......£26,719.36




This equates to £500 per week,or £83 per week for each person. That is £12 per day for each member of the household to cover ALL expenses.Do you survive on £12 per day?

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Why limit the kids top 4, why not 10 to get people's hatred really hot????




So what is it for a single person ..professional scrounger of course.....renting a room/flat/mansion at £75 a week



Total Income Support per year £3,738.64

Which is £71.70 per week



Council Tax Support £574.55 per year


This is £11.02 a week


The full Council Tax bill of £14.31 per week will be reduced to £3.29 per week because of your entitlement to Council Tax Support. So that means they pay out of their money £3.29 a week


This is 171.08 a year




One gets Housing Benefit £3,640.00 a year or £70.00 a week which means there is a £5 a week shortfall. So £260 a year to make up out of money


Total Entitlements before the deductions is £7,953.19 a year


Or £152.72 a week out of which one deducts £3.29 for council tax and £5 for rent as that has to be paid out of the money.


So the actual cash the unemployed wonk gets is £71.70 out of which he pays council tax of £3.29 and rent top up of £5


So a single unemployed scrounger gets a TOTAL of £64.41 id he is as fortunate as I have calculated.


So in winter if he pays no electricity, or gas, gets their clothes and shoes from a skip, gets £64.41 to get himself totally drunk at the weekend, providing he does not eat anything during the week as no gas/electric to cook on.


A lavish lifestyle if there ever was one.....http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/family/benefits-check

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It also weeds the fraudsters out, its going to be very difficult to work for your dole at the same time as working for cash in hand.


spot on as a friend of mine commented the other day they might be on the dole but they can always afford a beer irony is he is long term unemployed himself!


would be surprised if a significant amount of long term unemployed are not getting more than is being declared.

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