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Working for dole money

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spot on as a friend of mine commented the other day they might be on the dole but they can always afford a beer irony is he is long term unemployed himself!


would be surprised if a significant amount of long term unemployed are not getting more than is being declared.


It might be ironic but I'd say it's pretty commonplace for people on the dole or those recently off the dole, and working for the minimum wage to be the most vituperative about people on the dole.


No I think what saddens me the most is that although dole fraud costs the taxpayer an estimated £2 billion a year; unclaimed benefits for those entitled to them amounts to £16 billion a year. But you never read about the hardships that people without work and too ashamed to claim benefits endure. Possibly because there is a link between the nastiness in the press about the unemployed and the feeling of humiliation of those without work.

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This equates to £500 per week,or £83 per week for each person. That is £12 per day for each member of the household to cover ALL expenses.Do you survive on £12 per day?



Your figures appear to be somewhat out but by not much as you calculated housing at £100.38 a week I did it for 3100 as where did you get the 38 pence from


Also my little deceptive friend you forgot about the council tax they have to pay, as its not the full amount they are given...clever lad!


You also failed to mention the this stated in the calculation "Your full rent of £100.00 per week will be reduced by £86.00 per week because of your entitlement to Housing Benefit. Your maximum Housing Benefit has been reduced by 14% as you have one more bedroom than you need. This means you will have to pay £14.00 each week. Our calculation is based on you receiving £219.38 from child tax credit."



Are you an accountant, who fiddles figures anyway or just crap at telling the WHOLE truth? So 6 people get a bit less than you stated £489.45 a week not much less than £500 but enough to realise you are a Tabloid Addict and they have to pay some of it to the landlord and council tax donation too.


If one then removes the £219 child tax credits then a very different picture emerges DUNNIT????


The couple live it up on £112 a week, enough for what in mid winter????


Love the hate post, keep it up, thought of joining the BMP as well???

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Your figures appear to be somewhat out but by not much as you calculated housing at £100.38 a week I did it for 3100 as where did you get the 38 pence from


Also my little deceptive friend you forgot about the council tax they have to pay, as its not the full amount they are given...clever lad!


You also failed to mention the this stated in the calculation "Your full rent of £100.00 per week will be reduced by £86.00 per week because of your entitlement to Housing Benefit. Your maximum Housing Benefit has been reduced by 14% as you have one more bedroom than you need. This means you will have to pay £14.00 each week. Our calculation is based on you receiving £219.38 from child tax credit."



Are you an accountant, who fiddles figures anyway or just crap at telling the WHOLE truth? So 6 people get a bit less than you stated £489.45 a week not much less than £500 but enough to realise you are a Tabloid Addict and they have to pay some of it to the landlord and council tax donation too.


If one then removes the £219 child tax credits then a very different picture emerges DUNNIT????


The couple live it up on £112 a week, enough for what in mid winter????


Love the hate post, keep it up, thought of joining the BMP as well???


You've missed your medication again haven't you.

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It will be funded centrally and deducted from their social in 12 equal payments.


---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 17:26 ----------



Most European countries do not have the inbuilt, idle malingerers that the social welfare system in this country has encouraged.


Stop defending the indefensible.---------- Post added 30-09-2013 at 17:28 ----------



I work in the voluntary sector, I would love the opportunity of working with such people.


Maybe they didn't have great swathes of industry shut down in the 80's leading to millions of people losing their livlihoods in a short space of time, never to properly recover.

This was the beginning of the 'underclass' and the start of multi generational unemployment.

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Maybe they didn't have great swathes of industry shut down in the 80's leading to millions of people losing their livlihoods in a short space of time, never to properly recover.

This was the beginning of the 'underclass' and the start of multi generational unemplosyment.


Stop playing the victim and take responsibility,do something to improve your prospects and dont expect us to support you for ever and a day,anyway got to go as I got to be up for work,try it sometime.;)

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Seriously, how spoilt and entitled are people in this country? We have one of the most generous welfare systems in the world. In most other countries you either get nothing, or you get something for only a short period of time, say 2 years. In this country some people expect to be kept in relative luxury from cradle to grave, and if you expect them to do anything in exchange, you get called a "fascist". I know people in the US that are absolutely astonished that you can get up to £26,000 a year in housing benefit in this country, and yet there are some people that think that having that as a limit is akin to "social cleansing"! There are none as mad as those that cannot see.


So true. A student comes and works at our place for a few months a year, from Jamaica, he is always astounded not just at our payouts, but the fact that people complain about it still being not enough.


Considering some of the comments on here it's not difficult to see why he would. I wonder what they'd be saying if they got pushed around?


If someone hasn't got a mental or physical disability and can't find work in 2 years, then I would suggest that they need a push.


This equates to £500 per week,or £83 per week for each person. That is £12 per day for each member of the household to cover ALL expenses.Do you survive on £12 per day?



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Stop playing the victim and take responsibility,do something to improve your prospects and dont expect us to support you for ever and a day,anyway got to go as I got to be up for work,try it sometime.;)


I am not unemployed. I am retired -after a lifetime of bloody hard work, paying tax (lots of it) and contributing to society.


I despair of what I read on here.


Never have I seen such a gross lack of compassion for one's fellow man, or an inability to pull together in a common cause.


Just constant carping and lack of support - for firemen who put their lives on the line and are begrudged pensions, teachers who educate your children and help form the core values in their lives, NHS workers who work tirelessly for your benefit, disabled people who surely deserve your sympathy and help, the unemployed probably going through the worst time of their lives, etc. all of whom have taken a real battering on SF.


The divisiveness is sickening.


They are just like you, or could be if you are unlucky in the future. Instead of begrudging them, why do you not join with them and fight for a common cause? Things might then change for the better and a more equitable and fairer society emerge for us all. You have obviously failed to grasp the divide and conquer tactics employed by the government and their friends to keep you all in your place and fighting over the crumbs, while they run off with the cake.

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If I lose my job, get made homeless etc, do you think a fireman is going to do anything to help me?


We have every right to have an opinion when public sector workers strikes. We pay their wages. We are their employer. What employer likes it when their employees strike? It isn't "the government" they're up against. It's us. We work to fund their pensions. Should we have to work until 70 so they can retire at 50?

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I despair of what I read on here.


So do I. I can't believe how blind people are to logic and rationality. People who believe in some kind of bottomless pit that we are in this island.


Never have I seen such a gross lack of compassion for one's fellow man, or an inability to pull together in a common cause.


What's the common cause Anna? I don't begrudge the dole for people in between work. It's a great thing that our country has.


However, for me it isn't working full-time to pay for people to live their entire young-old lives out having children, not paying for anything, and expecting our/my hard-earned earned wages to pay for it.


2 years is NOT necessary to be out of work.


Just constant carping and lack of support - for firemen who put their lives on the line and are begrudged pensions, teachers who educate your children and help form the core values in their lives, NHS workers who work tirelessly for your benefit, disabled people who surely deserve your sympathy and help, the unemployed probably going through the worst time of their lives, etc. all of whom have taken a real battering on SF.


First thing you all do Anna, is start with appeals to emotions. It's all you have. You aren't Harriet Harman are you? :) You write like she talks. Nonsense, off-topic and appealing to emotions.


This is about people out of work for 2 years or more.


They are just like you, or could be if you are unlucky in the future. Instead of begrudging them, why do you not join with them and fight for a common cause? Things might then change for the better and a more equitable and fairer society emerge for us all. You have obviously failed to grasp the divide and conquer tactics employed by the government and their friends to keep you all in your place and fighting over the crumbs, while they run off with the cake.


And you have obviously failed to grasp the divide and conquer tactics of the opposition.




You are so blind you can't see that you argue one thing (like banker's bonuses), then when someone in here mentioned the £26k benefit limit, say 'they are few and inbetween, how many do you know?'.


Just how many banker's bonuses are there (and how many do you know?), and how does that relate to the number of people claiming 26k? I think you know the answer, you just can't see it.

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