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Working for dole money

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funniest thing is, we pay out of the total welfare budget 5% for dole, but its 35% for pensions, yet it seems that no one wants to mention how much this costs us all, because we have all been brainwashed by this government and the media, dont believe me then do feel free to go look yourself. .....or just carry on believing what you are told without getting the true facts




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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funniest thing is, we pay out of the total welfare budget 5% for dole, but its 35% for pensions, yet it seems that no one wants to mention how much this costs us all, because we have all been brainwashed by this government and the media, dont believe me then do feel free to go look yourself. .....or just carry on believing what you are told without getting the true facts




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Because being unemployed is your own fault and you're a scrounder blah blah blah. Tories are such nice people, I mean, look at their comments. Actually, I don't think 1/4 of them are tories but just pathetic people

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funniest thing is, we pay out of the total welfare budget 5% for dole, but its 35% for pensions, yet it seems that no one wants to mention how much this costs us all, because we have all been brainwashed by this government and the media, dont believe me then do feel free to go look yourself. .....or just carry on believing what you are told without getting the true facts




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


That might be because everyone will be a pensioner one day and its normally accepted that by the time you get to pension age, working is a little more difficult because of the age related health problems.


So should we target those people that have probably worked all their life and are now too old to work, or the young people that are more than capable of working but choose to spend their life leaching off everyone that does work.

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Originally Posted by dawny1970


funniest thing is, we pay out of the total welfare budget 5% for dole, but its 35% for pensions, yet it seems that no one wants to mention how much this costs us all, because we have all been brainwashed by this government and the media, dont believe me then do feel free to go look yourself. .....or just carry on believing what you are told without getting the true facts




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


That might be because everyone will be a pensioner one day and its normally accepted that by the time you get to pension age, working is a little more difficult because of the age related health problems.


So should we target those people that have probably worked all their life and are now too old to work, or the young people that are more than capable of working but choose to spend their life leaching off everyone that does work.


ohhhh now there is a lot of assumptions in your comments, dont forget that prob 1/3 of pensioners have not worked since the last time we had mass unemployment, but no one bashed them for being unemployed then, the only thing thats changed is government spin, and remember, parliament is the biggest freeloading house in the country



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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At the end of the day, you can't force people to do something they don't want to. You can stop their money, make them homeless or whatever, but they'll just steal more to eat (Interestingly, the police now say they are arresting previously unknown shoplifters for stealing food) and hang around the streets harassing people and being a general nuisance. That’ll keep the already stretched police busy. Put them in prison and it’ll cost more. You go down the Assad line etc and you have a queue of nations all wanting to jump on your back with humanitarian sanctions, trade sanctions, military action, bad press etc and I’m quite sure the government doesn’t want that.

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funniest thing is, we pay out of the total welfare budget 5% for dole, but its 35% for pensions, yet it seems that no one wants to mention how much this costs us all, because we have all been brainwashed by this government and the media, dont believe me then do feel free to go look yourself. .....or just carry on believing what you are told without getting the true facts




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Well at least a good proportion of pensioners have paid into the system over their lifetime unlike the lazy dossers of today that take the "entitlement" culture and royally milk it for all it's worth! Bring in not only work for dole but means tested benefits like they do in the "care" industry and bring in random drug testing and random surveillance for suspect cash in hand workers who claim!

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I don't have a problem with this as long as it's done properly.


I wouldn't want to see the likes of Tesco getting free labour and as a result reducing the number of employees they have, because that is quite clearly counter-productive.


However, there are plenty of jobs out there that aren't getting done or can no longer be afforded to be done that the unemployed could help with.


Certainly keeping communities clean and tidy is an obvious area the unemployed could be used, whether that be litter picking, grafitti removal, cutting back overgrown woodlands, tidying up woodland paths etc. These are jobs the Council don't seem to do properly due to a lack of funding, so I can see benefits in getting the unemployed to spend a few hours a week helping out their local community.


I would suggest working in swimming baths and libraries to keep them open is a little more complicated. It could be argued that if the unemployed are to be used in 1 library or swimming pool to keep it open, then they may as well be used in all of them, meaning people who are currently in jobs would be replaced by 'free' labour.


I'd certainly like to see those who are fit to work, but choose not too, made to get off their lazy fat backsides and contribute something towards their local communities.





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funniest thing is, we pay out of the total welfare budget 5% for dole, but its 35% for pensions, yet it seems that no one wants to mention how much this costs us all, because we have all been brainwashed by this government and the media, dont believe me then do feel free to go look yourself. .....or just carry on believing what you are told without getting the true facts




Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


the pensioners have paid into the system over 50 years...the scroungers have not worked for years...out of work for more than two years...no dole


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 08:38 ----------


At the end of the day, you can't force people to do something they don't want to. You can stop their money, make them homeless or whatever, but they'll just steal more to eat (Interestingly, the police now say they are arresting previously unknown shoplifters for stealing food) and hang around the streets harassing people and being a general nuisance. That’ll keep the already stretched police busy. Put them in prison and it’ll cost more. You go down the Assad line etc and you have a queue of nations all wanting to jump on your back with humanitarian sanctions, trade sanctions, military action, bad press etc and I’m quite sure the government doesn’t want that.


those shoplifting for food...have been doing for years...and selling it in local pubs...they need money for drugs not food to eat...

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the pensioners have paid into the system over 50 years...the scroungers have not worked for years...out of work for more than two years...no dole


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 08:38 ----------



those shoplifting for food...have been doing for years...and selling it in local pubs...they need money for drugs not food to eat...


People who work are stealing food, that is what the police said

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If you lose your job, get made homeless etc you don't know who will help you. But you are more likely generally to get help if the humanity hasn't been driven out of people.


Pension age is now 66. Most public sector workers retire at the same age as everyone else, granted some retire at 60, but their pensions have diminished over the years and are not what they once were. Few receive the amounts quoted in the media. Once again the media quotes the exceptional tip of the iceberg for better effect to create disharmony amongst those who should be sticking together.


Shouldn't we be working to get everyone a pension deal as good as those so called 'gold plated' ones? It wasn't so long ago that many private pensions matched up to them, but the employers who are making increasing profits, paying out big dividends to shareholders and taking salaries in the £millions tell us they 'can't afford them.' Why should the people who work for them and make their companies grow be at the bottom of the list?


Why do you want to drag everyone down in a race to the bottom, rather than aspiring to raise everyone up to the same level?


Maybe the public sector could come out on strike in sympathy of those in the private sector.Whose pensions were destroyed by Mr Brown..

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