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Working for dole money

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GP's isn't it ?


Talk of flexible working hours and that means longer hours. No doubt they'll come out with a statement about how the NHS is safe in their hands, which it isn't and that it won't be privatised etc

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ohhhh now there is a lot of assumptions in your comments, dont forget that prob 1/3 of pensioners have not worked since the last time we had mass unemployment, but no one bashed them for being unemployed then, the only thing thats changed is government spin, and remember, parliament is the biggest freeloading house in the country



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


So you want everyone to bash pensioners and stop bashing the long term unemployed because some long term unemployed are now claiming pension.


If that true then there's even more reason to bash the long term unemployed.

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I wonder who the tories will pick on today?


Hopefully anyone that doesn't do their full share!!!!! The feckless white youth! The single diliberate parent wasters the false aylumn seekers benefit tourists bring back means testing for all and random drugs transiting for all benefit claimants !

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Hopwfully anyone that doesn't do their full share!!!!! The feckless white youth! The single diliberate parent wasters the false aylumn seekers benefit tourists bring back means testing for all and random drugs transiting for all benefit claimants !


MPs then ?

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As for gps make them far more accessible to taxpayers instead of the farce it is getting thought the "Gestapo" receptionists ! Make gps Si house call like they used to and work for the 100 k they can get !!!! Also if we had less immigration the doctors surgeries and hospitals would be less crammed!


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:12 ----------


MPs then ?


Absolutely Mps !!!!! Capped salary and a purpose built hotel or lodging building near parliament!! No more second house expenses and living allowances! If you want be an MP I should not be an excuse to rape the system !

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As for gps make them far more accessible to taxpayers instead of the farce it is getting thought the "Gestapo" receptionists ! Make gps Si house call like they used to and work for the 100 k they can get !!!! Also if we had less immigration the doctors surgeries and hospitals would be less crammed!


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:12 ----------



Absolutely Mps !!!!! Capped salary and a purpose built hotel or lodging building near parliament!! No more second house expenses and living allowances! If you want be an MP I should not be an excuse to rape the system !


Did you know the government has created a secret police trying to pass it off as anti terrorism? A few people from our office applied. Coupled with the story other day about a department to tackle cyber crime, these are very worrying times indeed and I largely suspect terrorism is only a fraction of the reason.

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Did you know the government has created a secret police trying to pass it off as anti terrorism? A few people from our office applied. Coupled with the story other day about a department to tackle cyber crime, these are very worrying times indeed and I largely suspect terrorism is only a fraction of the reason.


Not a bad idea?!! Could be very usefull in combatting left Wing anarchists !?

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It might be ironic but I'd say it's pretty commonplace for people on the dole or those recently off the dole, and working for the minimum wage to be the most vituperative about people on the dole.


No I think what saddens me the most is that although dole fraud costs the taxpayer an estimated £2 billion a year; unclaimed benefits for those entitled to them amounts to £16 billion a year. But you never read about the hardships that people without work and too ashamed to claim benefits endure. Possibly because there is a link between the nastiness in the press about the unemployed and the feeling of humiliation of those without work.


Have you considered that the people, like me, who do not claim the benefits they are entitled to do not claim them because they do not need them? I suggest that there are far more people like me than these "ashamed" you mention. Regarding the humiliation of those without work, we had a contributor on here two days ago bleating as to how he had been out of work for three years and couldn't find a job. I pm him/her told him of a company seeking people just like him. Frightened him/her to death.


Unemployment is a myth. There are plenty of jobs out there. You know it, I know it.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:35 ----------


Did you know the government has created a secret police trying to pass it off as anti terrorism? A few people from our office applied. Coupled with the story other day about a department to tackle cyber crime, these are very worrying times indeed and I largely suspect terrorism is only a fraction of the reason.


I have joined this secret Police.


Mondays I feed the attack dogs and set them on any spare benefit scroungers.

Tuesdays I clean the glass on the spotlights and check the watchtowers for Dutch elm disease.

Wednesdays Are spent in studying Mein Kampf.

Thursdays We burn books.

Fridays (for a limited period) I am tasked with finding appropriate land for the construction of detention camps. (I have already singled out Hillsborough and Bramall Lane).


Mecky, you and your chums will receive preferential treatment if you give yourselves up now. I will have cattle trucks (standing room only) waiting platform 5 Midland Station midnight Saturday. (Bring an overnight bag and all your money.)


Seig Heil




---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:39 ----------


I wonder who the tories will pick on today?


Anything not Tory. Its like being at the funfair, you set em up, we will knock em down.


PS Found out today about Millibands dad. Hated the UK although we gave them all asylum. Ultra left wing Communist, died a millionaire. Is there no end to this families hypocrisy?

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