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Working for dole money

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Have you considered that the people, like me, who do not claim the benefits they are entitled to do not claim them because they do not need them? I suggest that there are far more people like me than these "ashamed" you mention. Regarding the humiliation of those without work, we had a contributor on here two days ago bleating as to how he had been out of work for three years and couldn't find a job. I pm him/her told him of a company seeking people just like him. Frightened him/her to death.


Unemployment is a myth. There are plenty of jobs out there. You know it, I know it.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:35 ----------



I have joined this secret Police.


Mondays I feed the attack dogs and set them on any spare benefit scroungers.

Tuesdays I clean the glass on the spotlights and check the watchtowers for Dutch elm disease.

Wednesdays Are spent in studying Mein Kampf.

Thursdays We burn books.

Fridays (for a limited period) I am tasked with finding appropriate land for the construction of detention camps. (I have already singled out Hillsborough and Bramall Lane).


Mecky, you and your chums will receive preferential treatment if you give yourselves up now. I will have cattle trucks (standing room only) waiting platform 5 Midland Station midnight Saturday. (Bring an overnight bag and all your money.)


Seig Heil




---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:39 ----------



Anything not Tory. Its like being at the funfair, you set em up, we will knock em down.


PS Found out today about Millibands dad. Hated the UK although we gave them all asylum. Ultra left wing Communist, died a millionaire. Is there no end to this families hypocrisy?


Are you threatening me?

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Are you threatening me?


Now Mecky,


Of course I am not. Don't be silly, we in the secret Police are known for our courtesy and kindness. If you don't want to travel we will incarcerate you and the comrades in one of our local facilities, following the example of the great Chilean Pinoichet we will be using football stadia.


Do you prefer Hillsborough or Bramall lane?


Don't you recognize satire when you see it?


Before you accuse me of being stupid, you started it.

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Its nothing more than cheap labour.

Most of the big companies give their jobs to cheap labour from abroad (subsidised by you)at rates the british cannot afford to live on and then the british who cannot find work as a result get made to work for £2 an hour giving the same companies even cheaper labour and of course even less jobs available.


Sounds great....If your a company enrolled.

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Its nothing more than cheap labour.

Most of the big companies give their jobs to cheap labour from abroad (subsidised by you)at rates the british cannot afford to live on and then the british who cannot find work as a result get made to work for £2 an hour giving the same companies even cheaper labour and of course even less jobs available.


Sounds great....If your a company enrolled.


Do you know of anyone working for £2 per hour? I challenge anyone to provide evidence of such practices. Its an urban myth.

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Do you know of anyone working for £2 per hour? I challenge anyone to provide evidence of such practices. Its an urban myth.


Some child minders work for £2 an hour if they only have one child to care for, and on the days they have 6 children to care for they earn £12 an hour.:)




Edited because it as been pointed out to me that this was a sick joke.

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What people tend not to think about is its working people who pay for the unemployed.


For instance if when you got payed you then had to go round to your next door neighbour who does not work and give them some of the money you earned I think people might feel differently about expecting them to do something for it.

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What people tend not to think about is its working people who pay for the unemployed.


For instance if when you got payed you then had to go round to your next door neighbour who does not work and give them some of the money you earned I think people might feel differently about expecting them to do something for it.


No actually i think you would find that many people would give to genuine people stuck unable to find work at reasonable money and there are many.


This isnt their fault although some idiots will swallow the line all claimants are lazy,its far from the truth.


I wonder what people will think about the crime rate going up when people have been cut off from the few quid they were getting from the dole and turn to desperate measures.

Unfortunatly they wont have the option like immigrants do of having their way paid to get abroad,housing sorted out and buses laid on to get to work and laws to stop people showing their not happy about it.


What this country needs is investment in its people not thrown on the dole to save a few quid and when they are there tarnished as they are with little hope and now made to work for peanuts or else..........

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Have you considered that the people, like me, who do not claim the benefits they are entitled to do not claim them because they do not need them? I suggest that there are far more people like me than these "ashamed" you mention. Regarding the humiliation of those without work, we had a contributor on here two days ago bleating as to how he had been out of work for three years and couldn't find a job. I pm him/her told him of a company seeking people just like him. Frightened him/her to death.


Unemployment is a myth. There are plenty of jobs out there. You know it, I know it.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:35 ----------



I have joined this secret Police.


Mondays I feed the attack dogs and set them on any spare benefit scroungers.

Tuesdays I clean the glass on the spotlights and check the watchtowers for Dutch elm disease.

Wednesdays Are spent in studying Mein Kampf.

Thursdays We burn books.

Fridays (for a limited period) I am tasked with finding appropriate land for the construction of detention camps. (I have already singled out Hillsborough and Bramall Lane).


Mecky, you and your chums will receive preferential treatment if you give yourselves up now. I will have cattle trucks (standing room only) waiting platform 5 Midland Station midnight Saturday. (Bring an overnight bag and all your money.)


Seig Heil




---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:39 ----------



Anything not Tory. Its like being at the funfair, you set em up, we will knock em down.


PS Found out today about Millibands dad. Hated the UK although we gave them all asylum. Ultra left wing Communist, died a millionaire. Is there no end to this families hypocrisy?


A little while ago Channel 4 on their 'fact check' site found that there are 6 or 7 people out of work chasing one job. The picture is even grimmer in some areas of the country.


Yes I've heard about the smear campaign the Daily Mail are doing about Milliband's dead father. He was a Marxist academic, he was in the Royal Navy and fought the fascists in WW2, a victory of free speech over the tyranny of jackboot. The Daily Mail will know all about that given their support for Hitler in WW2.


There maybe a few people who are entitled to benefits but don't claim them because they don't need them - but given that you've given yourself as an example I'll take it with a pinch of salt. Lots of people do feel ashamed of being on benefits, it's a horrible place to be - I've been on them and you are made to feel like dirt.

You were Xenia another wind up merchant, and have reinvented a pseudonym for Sheffield Forum. I'd take little if anything you say seriously.

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Pity we don't have any money left in the kitty to pay for that investment.


It'd be good to see alot more education offered, or even enforced.

eg: long term unemployed, no A-C grades in english & maths?

Then you go back to college and your dole payment depends on your attendance and achievement.

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