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Working for dole money

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How long is unemploymnet going to fall for, when employers can get the job done for free?


Simple maths anna isn't it? If there are 200,00 people who have been long term unemployed (those that would be affected by this rule) then even if they all displaced one "proper" worker then that would mean that there were only 200,00 people moved out of a job..ie no increase in unemployment?

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Pity we don't have any money left in the kitty to pay for that investment.


It'd be good to see alot more education offered, or even enforced.

eg: long term unemployed, no A-C grades in english & maths?

Then you go back to college and your dole payment depends on your attendance and achievement.


We seem to have enough to send a billion quid to bongo bongo land though.






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This equates to £500 per week,or £83 per week for each person. That is £12 per day for each member of the household to cover ALL expenses.Do you survive on £12 per day?


Do you know many people with 26k after tax? Edited to add..Sorry..didn't see the sarcasm in your post... :)

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What people tend not to think about is its working people who pay for the unemployed.


For instance if when you got payed you then had to go round to your next door neighbour who does not work and give them some of the money you earned I think people might feel differently about expecting them to do something for it.


Perhaps you could also offer them some of your hours?Remember they might out=compete you,and be careful what you wish for.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 11:31 ----------


Your figures appear to be somewhat out but by not much as you calculated housing at £100.38 a week I did it for 3100 as where did you get the 38 pence from


Also my little deceptive friend you forgot about the council tax they have to pay, as its not the full amount they are given...clever lad!


You also failed to mention the this stated in the calculation "Your full rent of £100.00 per week will be reduced by £86.00 per week because of your entitlement to Housing Benefit. Your maximum Housing Benefit has been reduced by 14% as you have one more bedroom than you need. This means you will have to pay £14.00 each week. Our calculation is based on you receiving £219.38 from child tax credit."




Are you an accountant, who fiddles figures anyway or just crap at telling the WHOLE truth? So 6 people get a bit less than you stated £489.45 a week not much less than £500 but enough to realise you are a Tabloid Addict and they have to pay some of it to the landlord and council tax donation too.


If one then removes the £219 child tax credits then a very different picture emerges DUNNIT????


The couple live it up on £112 a week, enough for what in mid winter????


Love the hate post, keep it up, thought of joining the BMP as well???


I would love to join the Britisn Mathematics Project-where do I apply?

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Ive never been out of work I've never signed on the dole.

Mainly because I studied and had an apprenticeship and did something for myself when I was younger.

instead of moping about and blaming everyone else,I've been self employed for most of my working life.

Nobody ever gave me anything Ive had to work hard for everything I have.

I think there are jobs out there but some people prefer the dole than work. its funny how all these Polish come here and find jobs no problems.why aren't our people working and doing these jobs.I do a bit of HGV driving sometimes and every warehouse or depot I go to just about every one is run by Polish or foreign workers why is this ,are our workers lazy or do they think they are to good to do menial jobs...

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I've got to say, this is one of the best threads on SF in a long time. The foaming mouthed rage with which certain members discuss any attempt to rationalise our benefits system is hilarious. I think the suggestion that the government should pick on pensioners is worthy of a special mention for downright stupidity in the economics area. Bravo! I look forward to seeing my arthritic, crippled Aunty Mable dragged out of her retirement home and forced to dig ditches and stack shelves.

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A little while ago Channel 4 on their 'fact check' site found that there are 6 or 7 people out of work chasing one job. The picture is even grimmer in some areas of the country.


Yes I've heard about the smear campaign the Daily Mail are doing about Milliband's dead father. He was a Marxist academic, he was in the Royal Navy and fought the fascists in WW2, a victory of free speech over the tyranny of jackboot. The Daily Mail will know all about that given their support for Hitler in WW2.


There maybe a few people who are entitled to benefits but don't claim them because they don't need them - but given that you've given yourself as an example I'll take it with a pinch of salt. Lots of people do feel ashamed of being on benefits, it's a horrible place to be - I've been on them and you are made to feel like dirt.

You were Xenia another wind up merchant, and have reinvented a pseudonym for Sheffield Forum. I'd take little if anything you say seriously.

How is the Daily Mail's support for Hitler over 70 years ago any more relevant than Ralph Miliband's hatred of the British people and Marxist views that he held a similar amount of time ago?

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I've got to say, this is one of the best threads on SF in a long time. The foaming mouthed rage with which certain members discuss any attempt to rationalise our benefits system is hilarious. I think the suggestion that the government should pick on pensioners is worthy of a special mention for downright stupidity in the economics area. Bravo! I look forward to seeing my arthritic, crippled Aunty Mable dragged out of her retirement home and forced to dig ditches and stack shelves.


You have to see their logic though. Pensioners are yet 'another drain on the public purse,' and we can't have that...

Presumably they (or should that be 'we') should all be euthanised.


First they came for the unemployed, then they came for the pensioners....

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If there is work out there to be done, then by all means force people to do it but pay them the minimum wage at the very least.


Why do we all seem to participate in this race to the bottom that only benefits the well off.


If people had more disposable income and were not saddled with paying ever increasing (massive increases at that) bills/taxes the economy would recover more jobs would be available and only the incapacitated would struggle to find work.

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