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Working for dole money

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You have to see their logic though. Pensioners are yet 'another drain on the public purse,' and we can't have that...

Presumably they (or should that be 'we') should all be euthanised.


First they came for the unemployed, then they came for the pensioners....


You forget the huge flaw in the logic though; NI pays for pensions (which Aunty Mable paid 'til she retired). The unemployed are paid for by the employed.

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If there is work out there to be done, then by all means force people to do it but pay them the minimum wage at the very least.


Why do we all seem to participate in this race to the bottom that only benefits the well off.


If people had more disposable income and were not saddled with paying ever increasing (massive increases at that) bills/taxes the economy would recover more jobs would be available and only the incapacitated would struggle to find work.


Taxes haven't really increased. VAT increased, personal allowance also increase therefore negating some of the VAT increase.

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Taxes haven't really increased. VAT increased, personal allowance also increase therefore negating some of the VAT increase.


You missed the bit where the point at which you pay 40% income tax has been lowered therefore negating any increase in the personal allowance for some people..

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Bravo! I look forward to seeing my arthritic, crippled Aunty Mable dragged out of her retirement home and forced to dig ditches and stack shelves.


Don't worry, she can be on litter picking duty. She'll get one of those grabber claws so she doesn't even have to bend over.


The obvious solution is for the government to take over hand car washes. Boot out all the foreigners and get the doleies washing the cars.

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You missed the bit where the point at which you pay 40% income tax has been lowered therefore negating any increase in the personal allowance for some people..


Has it? No wonder I didn't notice a difference! No one advertised that, the ********.

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