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Working for dole money

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Which is all very well....


except the "stick" method seldom works as well as the "carrot" method...


If someone is already living on very little, then the incentive to go out to work for even less isn't going to work is it?


Afterall out of their already small income, they will have the added cost of transport to/from work etc.


Surely offering them at least minimum wage should be the way to go.


That way they may realise that there is a benefit (pardon the pun) of going to work.

But what is the incentive for companies to take on long term workless if they have to pay them as much as anyone else?

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Ministers say jobless should do community service and work experience


So the winners will be the community and unemployed.


Cutting the grass verges is a service to the community as it litter picking etc.... what will happen to those jobs?



When does "work experience" stop being that? ......


Simply when they are trained to do the job and are then being paid by the taxpayer to do it for nothing (from a business point of view) hence, once they can empty a bin or push a brush, some poor sod is out of a job & the business is quids in at the cost of the taxpayer....



I'd rather pay the odd layabout than the corporate world out of my taxes thanks!

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Ministers say jobless should do community service and work experience


So the winners will be the community and unemployed.

which is?


But what is the incentive for companies to take on long term workless if they have to pay them as much as anyone else?


why shouldnt they pay the same as everybody else??? are they freaks? perverts?

how does somebody get OFF the dole properly if companies start using this CHEAPER workforce?

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Not really the kids' fault that their parents are feckless. Eight people living in a one bed couldn't have been easy. £27k isn't a fortune either, in comparison to some getting benefits.

Although I'd have been happier to read that at the last delivery of twins, she'd had her tubes tied and he'd had the snip. :)


It's 10 grand more than I get and I WORK 40 hours a week.

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Cutting the grass verges is a service to the community as it litter picking etc.... what will happen to those jobs?





Do they get done now, :o can't say that I've noticed, and the unemployed won't do them for ever because they will take one of the many jobs on offer.

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It's 10 grand more than I get and I WORK 40 hours a week.



If you are so jealous, then follow their example and do what they have done.


I'm sure if it was that easy, everyone who is on 17 grand a year would take the same path.


It's there if you want it......


Or did you miss the bus?

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They they will be able to clean someone elses street


The council already have a workforce in place to do that. You're advocating laying off in favour of cheap labour, or do you want to see the Unions kicking off?


Maybe reducing the existing work forces income to come into line with the "work for dole" scheme which will help to fund the scheme reducing my tax input. After all, if the "work for benefit" claimants can survive I'm sure the existing workforce can too.

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