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Working for dole money

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They get off the dole by getting a job. If you are long term unemployed it will be far easier to go from not having worked for years - workfare - proper job than it currently is to go from not having worked for years straight into a proper job. Companies will not take risk of taking on long term unemployed when there are plenty of people with more recent experience looking for work. Workfare is intended to give these people relevent work experience that they can parlay into a proper job.

dont talk wet

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They get off the dole by getting a job. If you are long term unemployed it will be far easier to go from not having worked for years - workfare - proper job than it currently is to go from not having worked for years straight into a proper job. Companies will not take risk of taking on long term unemployed when there are plenty of people with more recent experience looking for work. Workfare is intended to give these people relevent work experience that they can parlay into a proper job.


Question: Do you work?

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They get off the dole by getting a job. If you are long term unemployed it will be far easier to go from not having worked for years - workfare - proper job than it currently is to go from not having worked for years straight into a proper job. Companies will not take risk of taking on long term unemployed when there are plenty of people with more recent experience looking for work. Workfare is intended to give these people relevent work experience that they can parlay into a proper job.


Given the current economic climate, maybe .... just maybe... giving someone the chance of earning money, rather than them feeling they are being exploited would make them more loyal and feel more inclined to do what they should do than what they HAVE to do?

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Given the current economic climate, maybe .... just maybe... giving someone the chance of earning money, rather than them feeling they are being exploited would make them more loyal and feel more inclined to do what they should do than what they HAVE to do?

If you were an employer, who would choose to take on in this climate? Someone with a CV full of recent work experience, or someone that's been on the dole for the past decade?


Come to think of it, why don't you employ some people that have been out of work? How many people frothing at the mouth about workfare are actually prepared to have the courage of their convictions and set on some long term unemployed people on permanent full time contracts?

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As long as this is aimed at those who have been out of work for a long time then I think its a good idea,if it gets people into the routine of getting out of bed and learning time managment then all good and well.

And of cousre this will benefit the community too,im afraid that the days of simply doing nothing and getting benefits are coming to an end.

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It's fair enough that you should be expected to do some community work in exchange for benefits - but they should only have to do the equivalent number of hours at the rate of minimum wage for the amount of benefits they receive, otherwise it could lead down a very dodgy path... Ridiculous to have to do full-time hours and effectively get paid a third of minimum wage.

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