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Working for dole money

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When companies are setting people on, people who haven't worked in years aren't exactly top of the list when it comes to people they are looking to recruit. The point of this is to get feckless wastrels into the habit of getting up and going to work.


I've just employed someone who hasn't worked in five years. She's fantastic, but she stopped working a while ago to look after her kids.


I've got a great employee. You wouldn't get a look in with me though, because I don't take on negative types:rolleyes:

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We don't live in a Libertarian country. If we have to have a welfare state, it has to be a reciprocal arrangement. At the moment there are far too many people taking without giving.


Exactly. I don't agree with Happ on a regular basis, usually we're on opposite sides but on this I'm with him 100%.


I worked from 17 and after 13 years of work I found myself out of work for a short period a while back and I hated it. I even felt like I didn't deserve the £70 a week I was being given despite paying thousands in over the years.


There were times I'd be sat waiting my turn and "people" would come in, looking like bags of faeces tied in the middle start chatting to a mate about dealing/buying drugs/alcohol when they got paid etc & stating they'd not bothered looking for work because they 'couldn't be ******'


So it's about time they started clamping down. Personally I'd introduce random drugs testing, done by going to the claimants residence at random. Fail the test bye bye benefits.

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So it's about time they started clamping down. Personally I'd introduce random drugs testing, done by going to the claimants residence at random. Fail the test bye bye benefits.


Is that before or after the forced sterilisation programme?

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As well as because these people

Have no responsibility !! Any more than three kids is too many if you can't feed them

Don't bred them or expect the rest of the working population to pay !!!!


So at what point do you sterilise and drug test? Or do you just carpet bomb?

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So the government thinks that getting people to work in places where they don't want to work is going to be productive. I can see this costing business a fair wack before it realises that coal is coal and no matter how hard you press its not going to change into a diamond.


I can see this becoming mismanaged and only companies with a robust training and hr setup should even attempt this or a full new agency dedicated to employer employee relations.

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