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Service charge - load of rubbish

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Go to a restaurant get a £10 meal + drinks and maybe have a dessert, then there is a service charge, restaurants are expensive enough and if pubs don't charge for a service charge then restaurants shouldn't as well.


you are not compelled to pay a service charge in the UK. Simply ask them to remove the service charge form your bill and never go back. You could also warn others by rating the restaurant on one of the many websites there are such as Yelp or trip adviser.


naming and shaming is frowned upon on here so I suggest you do not do this otherwise your thread could be deleted.

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Shouldn't it be the restaurant that pay any staff wages, whilst you pay for your food ?


I'm probably just old fashioned though, don't even tip the shop keeper for passing me a pack of fags, you know like, for doing his job.


Because it's actually quite pleasant to receive a good service and I find it becoming a rarer thing to find (in restaurants and pubs).


The service one receives in a restaurant is an integral, important part of the experience. It's not quite so important when purchasing a packet of fags although, even then, the customer has a right to expect a decent level of service.


I rarely go mad tipping for the sake of the food but sure, if the service is good then yes, take this and thank you.

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You guys are lucky you dont have to tip anyone (but if something is outstanding - the service, food, whatever - its nice to reward a place and let them know) here.


You guys must faint when you go on your Orlando holidays and have to start tipping between 10-25% for your meals


PS If you cant afford to even tip 5%, you cant afford to go out for sitdown service.

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