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'Obamacare' stalemate shuts down government

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Well I'm mardy because our holiday of a lifetime was cancelled tonight, less than 12 hours before we were due to leave. It was a national parks tour and they're all flippin shut :-(

I'm sure you can still get in them. Do you think they'll have a cordon of local police all round the perimeter? National Parks belong to the American people. They are not the property of the government to close when they feel like it.

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I want to see Ron Paul as president. He would sort the US out. Get them back to where they were pre-socialism, the old frontier values, rugged individualism and self-reliance, not running to government every time you get a boo-boo on your finger.


Hang on a moment, when has the USA even been socialist?

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That would be around the same time that Sarah Palin claimed that Stephen Hawking wouldn't be alive today if the USA had an NHS-like system, not realising that he was British.


That wasn't Palin, it was an article in the Investor's Business Daily.


The article's been updated with the notice:

Editor's Note: This version corrects the original editorial which implied that physicist Stephen Hawking, a professor at the University of Cambridge, did not live in the UK.
What the update actually was was to remove any reference to Hawking.


The NY Times has the original here:

(For the record, the original editorial contained this: “People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.”)


Wesley F. Mann, the editor of Investor’s Business Daily, did not respond to a request for comment.

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One good thing may come out of it. Obama may go. Bring on The Tea Party. We may even get to see the gorgeous Sarah Palin some more...


The President can't go in such circumstances and when Presidents fall their Vice-Presidents take over. Sadly for Palin and the Tea Party the vagaries of democracy are such are that if you lose you don't take over.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 23:25 ----------


I'm sure you can still get in them.


You were also sure that David Miliband was leader of the Labour Party. You are sure about a lot of things that are not true. As you are thousands of miles away you are living out one of your many periods of hallucinations.

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One good thing may come out of it. Obama may go. Bring on The Tea Party. We may even get to see the gorgeous Sarah Palin some more...:love:


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 09:19 ----------


When will the looting begin?


She would certainly make the Saturday Night Live comedy show the tops in vewer ratings. I could even see a movie being made eventually titled like

"Sarah, Larry, Curly and Moe take over the White House" N'yuk! n'yuk!


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 22:34 ----------


That would be around the same time that Sarah Palin claimed that Stephen Hawking wouldn't be alive today if the USA had an NHS-like system, not realising that he was British.


Well dont be too hard on her. General knowledge was never her strong point in high school or even afterwards.

She got an honours in Cheerleading and Pom Pom waving though

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She would certainly make the Saturday Night Live comedy show the tops in vewer ratings. I could even see a movie being made eventually titled like

"Sarah, Larry, Curly and Moe take over the White House" N'yuk! n'yuk!


Sarah Palin is as hard as nails. BBC did a piece where Jackie Long interviewed her at the Alaska Iron dogs snowmobile race. It was like 30 below. Jackie Long was visibly traumatised by the cold. Palin didn't look like it was cold enough for her. I was kind of impressed by that, don't know why.

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Sarah Palin is as hard as nails. BBC did a piece where Jackie Long interviewed her at the Alaska Iron dogs snowmobile race. It was like 30 below. Jackie Long was visibly traumatised by the cold. Palin didn't look like it was cold enough for her. I was kind of impressed by that, don't know why.


Ooooohhh Sarah when she's cold, she stands out even more...:hihi:

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