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'Obamacare' stalemate shuts down government

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No understand text speak. Yo spikka da Englsh like she suppose be spoke
I don't know what he's saying either. Not an English speaker I guess. I don't think he's paying America a compliment though. We should be worried, faced with such intellect.:hihi:
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surely it will be just like last time, the voters will blame all the politicians, but they will blame the Republicans more. Which should bear fruit in the 2014 elections.


last time all this nonsense probably contributed, to Clinton getting re-elected. However that is not a possibility now as Obama has already managed to achieve that, without the jolly old GOP shooting themselves in the foot this way.


just out of interest, does anybody know how many times somebody has to shoot themselves in the foot without the whole leg needing to be amputated? Because I think the GOP could be getting close.

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surely it will be just like last time, the voters will blame all the politicians, but they will blame the Republicans more. Which should bear fruit in the 2014 elections.


last time all this nonsense probably contributed, to Clinton getting re-elected. However that is not a possibility now as Obama has already managed to achieve that, without the jolly old GOP shooting themselves in the foot this way.


just out of interest, does anybody know how many times somebody has to shoot themselves in the foot without the whole leg needing to be amputated? Because I think the GOP could be getting close.


It's not hard to understand why it happened. The Republicans hate Obama's health care with a passion. They used every tactic they could to derail and defund it it since it's inception and then just before this happened tried to force the health care program to be postponed for another year which in GOP speak means (postpone it then kill it before the year is up) but Obama would have none of it. So basically this shut down of the government was caused by a GOP agenda against a program that would benefit millions of all ages who dont have a healthplan and cannot get the care they need.


House Speaker Boehner is a toothless tiger who while he himself is not a far right Tea Party Republican is nevertheless a puppet of the Tea Party faction and has proved he is unable to manage them, make them see reason or control them


The GOP as a whole have loathed Social Security and Medicare for decades. Reagan took away a lot of it's benefits while he was in office.


I dont know where the GOP sees it's future as a major political party in the years to come. I see them getting another walloping in the next election if they run someone like Ted Cruz or some other far right candidate against the Democrat candidate. When you look at the last lot of contenders it's no wonder they lost

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it is just a ridiculous situation. The thing is, the GOP used to be good. Even if you would not vote for them, you would have to admit that they were effective in winning elections and campaigning and trying to avoid having total outright nuts on the platform, or even if they were a bit of a nut, at least having them not say totally ludicrous things too often. Now they are just a shower.

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The GOP as a whole have loathed Social Security and Medicare for decades. Reagan took away a lot of it's benefits while he was in office.


Interestingly George W. Bush introduced a Medicare bill that severely added to the U.S.'s financial obligations with the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act, specifically Medicare-D.


The problem with Medicare, [David M.] Walker says, is people keep living longer, and medical costs keep rising at twice the rate of inflation. But instead of dealing with the problem, he says, the president and the Congress made things much worse in Dec. 2003, when they expanded the Medicare program to include prescription drug coverage.


"The prescription drug bill was probably the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960s," Walker argues.


Asked why, Walker says, "Well, because we promise way more than we can afford to keep. Eight trillion dollars added to what was already a 15 to $20 trillion under-funding. We're not being realistic. We can't afford the promises we've already made, much less to be able, piling on top of 'em."


With one stroke of the pen, Walker says, the federal government increased existing Medicare obligations nearly 40 percent over the next 75 years.


"We'd have to have eight trillion dollars today, invested in treasury rates, to deliver on that promise," Walker explains.


Asked how much we actually have, Walker says, "Zip."




David M. Walker is the former U.S. comptroller general, head of the General Accountability Office so when he calls something "probably the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960s", maybe he knows what he's talking about?


As comptroller general of the United States he runs he Government Accountability Office, the GAO, which audits the government's books and serves as the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress. He has more than 3,000 employees, a budget of a half a billion dollars, and a message he considers urgent.


"I'm going to show you some numbers…they're all big and they're all bad," he says.


So bad, that Walker has given up on elected officials and taken his message directly to taxpayers and opinion makers, hoping to shape the debate in the next presidential election.


"You know the American people, I tell you, they are absolutely starved for two things: the truth, and leadership," Walker says.


All that is happening now, the debt ceiling crisis, the government shut down, none of it is a surprise to those of us who watched the film I.O.U.S.A. in 2008.


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Pretty much anyone but the poor.


Have you sent them a donation.


---------- Post added 04-10-2013 at 05:01 ----------


True but visitors need to know the rules when visiting any national park before going in. You know that there are always idots who will start a fire or attempt to feed bears as well as leave trash lying around.

There has to be control in other words


Yellowstone Park is closed when winter arrives because of the harsh and hazardous conditions at that time of year



Its the same at Hell's Canyon. You certainly don't want to go rafting there in winter when the guides and rangers aren't about.

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