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Pizza packaging con!

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Ok, I like to cook with fresh ingredients, but last night was busy so decided to heat up a yummy pizza that was held in cryogenic suspension in the freezer device for such an occasion ... namely, a '(Well known supermarket) Finest' Wood Fired Chargrilled Vegetable and Pesto Pizza. Sounds yummy doesn't it? ... nice and thick too!


Here it is in all it's resplendent glory! ... Mmmm! :o


Imagine for one moment the abject misery and heartfelt disappointment endured after gently removing it from it's 'Finest' polystyrene platter ... just look! :wow::cry:


The polystyrene platter is plainly meant to deceive ... raising the pizza by an astonishing ten millimetres in height from the normal ground level edge toward the centre, making the pizza appear to have a greater degree of farinaceousness, as well as chargrilled peppers, courgettes, balsamic onions and mozzarella ... all on closer examination, being in very short supply!


Hunger getting the better of my tearful state of well being, I followed the cooking instructions (gas Mk6 for 6-8 minutes) and was bitterly upset by the limp specimen which greeted me.

I'd have got more nourishment from the polystyrene plate! ... the pizza couldn't have been more than the thickness of tissue paper (slight exaggeration, but not far off), and contained nothing of nutritional value for a grown adult. Good job I'd some chips and a chocolate cheesecake as emergency back-up!


So ... the moral of this story is to 'be aware of pizzas bearing false packaging',

something I seem to remember from reading in the Bible if my memory serves correctly.

Anyone else had problems such as this?


All that hassle when you have Hot t'Cross Buns locally.


---------- Post added 01-10-2013 at 17:19 ----------


The Real moral of the Story is, Get some Meat and Veg down ya Gregory.:hihi:


Or celebrate the free boater that comes with your crap pizza!

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This reminds me of what I heard from someone working at McDonalds. They redesigned the container that holds the fries, so that even though it looked the same, the bottom was curved inwards so that not as many fries could fit into the box. Underhanded tricks to make more profits!

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Good News People


The UK's biggest supermarket chain, Tesco, has reported a 23.5% drop in profits during the first half of its financial year.


Tesco's pre-tax profits in the six months to 24 August were £1.39bn, which the firm blamed on a challenging retail environment, particularly in Europe.


UK like-for-like sales - which exclude new store openings - fell by 0.5%.




It would seem people are starting to look past Tesco, and if they continue to do business as has been pointed out by the OP then sales will continue to slide.

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This reminds me of what I heard from someone working at McDonalds. They redesigned the container that holds the fries, so that even though it looked the same, the bottom was curved inwards so that not as many fries could fit into the box. Underhanded tricks to make more profits!



McDonalds fries containers have always been curved.....

Though, when I worked in fast food, we were always told not to fill them to the top. Make them look as full as possible, but never fill the bags/containers.

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