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Is this Unfair Dismissal ?

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Is it not the head who has made the decision to terminate the employment?


Yes you would think so wouldn't you ?

but apparently this woman has been there a lot longer than the head,

it is this so called woman who has told the Head that there is 'an atmosphere' in the office, and in my daughters defence it is not her that has caused the atmosphere, she has bent over backwards to get on with this woman but nothing, just one word answers and mumbles, no good mornings or goodnights, nothing.

She has been left on numerous occasions to run the busy office when she has only been there for a short time, so in my opinion she has done a great job.

But all of a sudden out of the blue the head has told my daughter she wants her to leave as the atmosphere hasn't got any better. She said she could stay till the end of term is she wished !!

Its so infuriating because she would have been a model employee, so in my opinion its their loss and they are still stuck with this poisonous creature who will do the same to the next unsuspecting subject.

My daughter has brought all this to the attention of the head of school governors who is very interested in the story as he wasn't aware how bad the situation was,

Also feed back she has had from the other staff is that everyone really liked my daughter and have said they will support her, and they are ALL aware of this woman and her inability to get on with anyone, apparently no one likes to go in the office when she is there...so she was in a no win situation from day one, as I said she is now the 4th to be ousted, so something clearly not right.

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Staff bullying seems to be a problem in many schools. The unions are too 'in bed with the local authority' to deal with it appropriately. It's time the situation was addressed as it makes a mockery of 'zero tolerance' policies presented to pupils, parents, and staff.

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Staff bullying seems to be a problem in many schools. The unions are too 'in bed with the local authority' to deal with it appropriately. It's time the situation was addressed as it makes a mockery of 'zero tolerance' policies presented to pupils, parents, and staff.


is it really ? well I am surprised considering its not acceptable in the classroom.

what a shame, if your face dosen't fit tough luck.

To be honest my daughter is so relieved to be out of that environment it was beginning to make her ill and that's not like her.

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