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Kenyan Government discuss ejecting 500,000 Somali refugees.'

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I don't know if the threat has ever been made before but I do know that if people feel threatened they will try to ensure their welfare is protected.


Very naive thinking. Do you really suppose the general population know who the terrorists are? Do you think they'll invite them round for a cup of tea and talk them into giving up?

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It seems the Somalians living in Kenyan refugee camps have been the target of recruiting by Islamic terrorists. In a backlash from the Nairobi shopping mall attack where Islamic militants murdered dozens of civilians, the Kenyan government is facing calls to expel the 500,000 Somali refugees currently living in Kenya who are being accused of biting the hand that feeds them.


It seems extreme but understandable.


I think this sort of thing will happen more often.


I wonder how many of them end up here?


Would they all be entitled to claim asylum here? I'm not sure.


Understandable if you accept that unfairly treating a large number of people very badly on the basis that a very small number of that group have done something wrong is a reasonable.


What other measures could the Kenyan government use to protect their citizens? That is their first priority. Bearing in mind many of these citizens will be people from other countries.

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Very naive thinking. Do you really suppose the general population know who the terrorists are? Do you think they'll invite them round for a cup of tea and talk them into giving up?


Some of the population will know or suspect the identity of the terrorists.

They would pass on their identities to the authorities to eliminate the threat of deportation of themselves and their families.

In most(all) situations regarding terrorists in a community the whole community is not threatened by a blanket punishment.

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What other measures could the Kenyan government use to protect their citizens? That is their first priority. Bearing in mind many of these citizens will be people from other countries.


Do you live in some kind of weird world where 'people from other countries' are always a threat?


I think you show all the classic signs...

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I suppose if enough folk go around shooting bombing and generally killing folk in the name of their religion eventually it starts to rub off and the institution gets tarnished to the point where the rest get branded and will eventually pay the price for the deeds done in the name of their god.


This is true. Unfortunate, but true. The majority often have to make sacrifices for the minority. I feel the world is coming to the end of its tether with Islamists and Islam will suffer because of this.


Personally, I would place some of the blame also on ordinary Muslims for not tackling the issue. But I'd also blame those who have constantly played the race card or made excuses for the religion.


Its not very PC but this country would be a much better place without Islam.


---------- Post added 02-10-2013 at 08:35 ----------


Do you live in some kind of weird world where 'people from other countries' are always a threat?


I think you show all the classic signs...


The point was, which you missed, the expulsion is not about race or religion because the Kenyan government is also protecting none Kenyans who live in Kenya.

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Kenyan Government discuss ejecting 500,000 Somali refugees.


Do you have a link to these discussions? I can find nothing about it on the web. Have you made it up?


It would seem a waste of time Kenya deporting so many people as it would just stir up resentment and the border between Somalia and Kenya is so porous it wouldn't be difficult to get back in quite easily. It would have been like the UK trying to deport all Catholics while the IRA and INLA were killing on the British mainland.

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Do you have a link to these discussions? I can find nothing about it on the web. Have you made it up?


It would seem a waste of time Kenya deporting so many people as it would just stir up resentment and the border between Somalia and Kenya is so porous it wouldn't be difficult to get back in quite easily. It would have been like the UK trying to deport all Catholics while the IRA and INLA were killing on the British mainland.


I suspect some of those on here would have thought that to be a good idea.


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