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Kenyan Government discuss ejecting 500,000 Somali refugees.'

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That's the thing. Refugees are protected by their hosts and if some of their number decide to abuse that hospitality then it is hardly surprising if some in the host nation think they would be better off without their uninvited guests.

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It seems the Somalians living in Kenyan refugee camps have been the target of recruiting by Islamic terrorists. In a backlash from the Nairobi shopping mall attack where Islamic militants murdered dozens of civilians, the Kenyan government is facing calls to expel the 500,000 Somali refugees currently living in Kenya who are being accused of biting the hand that feeds them.


It seems extreme but understandable.


That would be odd, aren't they refugees fleeing Islamists?

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Just goes to show if a goverment has the will anything is possible,maybe our goverment should grow a pair and do the same to those who have no right to be here.

So, meine liebe, you don't live in Sheffield, but whine endlessly on our local forum about immigrants?



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No, it was accurate, and I doubt that you have, whinger.


Certainly your grammar is woeful, as is your convoluted ''logic''. :hihi:



lol looking at your childish avatar tell me you probably have just left school,you aint near my age by a long way.born and bred in Sheff can you say the same.;)

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No, totally wrong....again! But I can spell and use English grammar correctly.


Lol, look at your own whining, puerile posts. Go back to the drawing board, whining 'emigrant' to the south.


For someone who is supposed to be 44 you sure sound much much younger,oh and yeh im older than you;)

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