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War hero besmirched

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ralph milliband sserved in the royal navy through the war - he served at the D Day landings, he campaigned for a free, peaceful socialist britain all his life.


Lord rothermere was a fascist collaborator - he put 'hurrah for the blackshirts' on the front page of his dirty rag 'the mail', he met with and supported hitler (from whom ralph escaped).


the mail slanders ralph milliband!!!????? er.................................

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After reading this DM article I think his grievance is quite justified. Imagine being called "evil" for holding left wing socialist views which in his fathers time were nothing out of the ordinary and were also shared by many early Labour politicians.


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After reading this DM article I think his grievance is quite justified. Imagine being called "evil" for holding left wing socialist views which in his fathers time were nothing out of the ordinary and were also shared by many early Labour politicians.



People still hold left-wing views,and are proud to do so.You seem to see this characteristic as something to be ashamed of.

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Lord Rothermere's been dead for over 70 years. I don't see what anything he said or thought back then has to do with the Mail today. Any more than left wing papers supporting Communist Russia back in the day has to do with those publications today.


Miliband needs to make it clear where he stands. Is he a Marxist, and does he consider himself English.

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I do think him saying he wished we lost the war just to show us how things are is morally dubious at best. And he talks about "the English" as though he were not. He was of Polish descent, born in Belgium. If we'd lost the war, both of those countries would have lost as well.


He didn't say that though did he?


According to the Fail it was ''you sometimes want them almost to lose [the war] to show them how things are".


Which is really not the same thing at all is it?

Besides, he was seventeen when he wrote that and newly arrived.

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