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War hero besmirched

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Ralph Miliband was a Russian spy?


He was associated with the Krogers, Gordon Lonsdale and George Blake. Peter Wright named him as a fellow traveler.


In this country the balance of proof would probably have not been quite enough to convict. In other countries he would have been convicted.

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I think they brought his father into it because Miliband claimed his politics where inspired by his farther politics. It help use the electorate if we know what his father politic were, if Miliband is comparing himself to his father.



It sounds like you think its OK to attack the character of some political opponents, but its not OK to attack the character of other political opponents.



Do you have any preference on who's character should be attacked and who's should be left alone?


Any public political figure should be fair game if they've lied or showed hypocrisy in relation to their work role.


What's out of bounds are family. I don't know what game the DM are playing here or what they aim to get out of it, but its certainly tasteless.


However, its not a million miles away from other Sunday papers a few weeks ago criticising Ed Milliband for his past work. They were saying he was confused because he was trying to be a socialist, a former marxist not ashamed of his past, yet appeal to modern Tory voters.

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How did you feel about the recent "revelations" about Nigel Farage's school years. Were you a critic in the same way because a schoolboy's, alleged, support for fascists were published?


The difference between the Farage and Ralph Miliband cases is that Farage was the one doing the Nazi-singing whereas it was Ed Miliband's father who was quoted in the Mail piece. What Ralph Miliband wrote has nothing to do with Ed Miliband who wasn't even born at the time. The Mail are going in for a guilt by association piece. Ed Miliband is not responsible for what his father did. Farage is responsible for what he himself did.

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I've just watched an interview on BBC, Alastair Campbell was being a typical politician, will never answer questions with a straight answer, but insisted that the man from the mail should answer question, but every time he tried to answer the questions posed by Campbell, Campbell interrupted him.


They were there to discuss the Mail's article so it's natural that the Mail's deputy editor would be expected to be the one answering questions. The Mail man was being pretty evasive.



so people who didn't watch Newsnight can form their own opinion of it.
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