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War hero besmirched

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Any public political figure should be fair game if they've lied or showed hypocrisy in relation to their work role.


What's out of bounds are family. I don't know what game the DM are playing here or what they aim to get out of it, but its certainly tasteless.


However, its not a million miles away from other Sunday papers a few weeks ago criticising Ed Milliband for his past work. They were saying he was confused because he was trying to be a socialist, a former marxist not ashamed of his past, yet appeal to modern Tory voters.


Conservative MP's take quite a beating because of their apparent wealthy back grounds. Miliband brought his father into the political arena, so Miliband made him fair game, his father was also in the political arena himself and just like Thatcher became fair game because of his own actions and opinions.

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He was associated with the Krogers, Gordon Lonsdale and George Blake. Peter Wright named him as a fellow traveler.


In this country the balance of proof would probably have not been quite enough to convict. In other countries he would have been convicted.


That's even more desperate than the Daily Mail piece. Guilt by association again. What other countries? Nazi Germany? The Soviet Union?


A lot of secrets about British spies were revealed after the Soviet Union fell apart. None showed Ralph Miliband to have been a spy. One of the Cambridge spies actually worked for the Queen. Is she guilty of spying for the Soviets as well?

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What is your opinion on Nigel Farage's recent revelation that he said some naughty things while a schoolboy. Should they be ignored as well?


Aren't you getting a bit mixed up here.


Farage is still alive, politically prominent and leading a party into the next general election.


Ralph Miliband is dead, never stood for office and never even joined the Labour party. Ralph Miliband is not Ed Miliband.


My dad is a rabid right winger with some pretty unsavoury views particularly about coloured immigrants for example. But his views are not my views. Mine are entirely different and entirely my own. Ed Miliband's views are his own too.

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I wish people would stop attacking Red Ed. For as long as he stays leader Labour is totally unelectable, so I hope he remains leader for as long as possible!


Spot on, I don't care what his father was either, both him and his fathers opinions mean even less :D

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No then, putting many words into one.




Probably not, he was interviewed by MI5 and Special Branch, who knows he may have been turned into a double agent.


Agnes Smedley lived with him and his wife from 1947 to her death, she was definitely a Soviet Agent.

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Two minutes in the country and slagging it off, not very grateful was he.


He was an angry 17 year old kid who had fled on the last boat out leaving half his family behind at the mercy of the Nazis. I think he can be forgiven at that point for not having a full or rational understanding of the world.

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Aren't you getting a bit mixed up here.


Farage is still alive, politically prominent and leading a party into the next general election.


Ralph Miliband is dead, never stood for office and never even joined the Labour party. Ralph Miliband is not Ed Miliband.


My dad is a rabid right winger with some pretty unsavoury views particularly about coloured immigrants for example. But his views are not my views. Mine are entirely different and entirely my own. Ed Miliband's views are his own too.


Despite this he wants to take the country down the same rout his father wanted and claimed it was inspired by his father who became involved in left-wing politics, and made a personal commitment to the cause of socialism at the grave of Karl Marx, and became a prominent member of the New Left movement in Britain,

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The difference between the Farage and Ralph Miliband cases is that Farage was the one doing the Nazi-singing whereas it was Ed Miliband's father who was quoted in the Mail piece. What Ralph Miliband wrote has nothing to do with Ed Miliband who wasn't even born at the time. The Mail are going in for a guilt by association piece. Ed Miliband is not responsible for what his father did. Farage is responsible for what he himself did.


And the circumstances for both couldn't have been more different. Miliband was a refugee from the Nazis. Farage had the benefit of 30 years in which the world had had time to come to terms with what the Nazis were.

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