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War hero besmirched

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I wish people would stop attacking Red Ed. For as long as he stays leader Labour is totally unelectable, so I hope he remains leader for as long as possible!


Gordon Bennett! No posts for 316 days then we get 4 in 12 minutes.


PS: Send my regards to rickie.

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Despite this he wants to take the country down the same rout his father wanted and claimed it was inspired by his father who became involved in left-wing politics, and made a personal commitment to the cause of socialism at the grave of Karl Marx, and became a prominent member of the New Left movement in Britain,


Eh? Ralph Miliband didn't join the Labour party because its approach did not suit his ideals. He even wrote a book explaining his reasoning.


Ed Miliband joined the Labour party. And there is no evidence Ed Miliband has any intention of abandoning our parliamentary democracy or changing the constitution to align with his father's views. If you think there is evidence let's have it.

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Despite this he wants to take the country down the same rout his father wanted and claimed it was inspired by his father who became involved in left-wing politics, and made a personal commitment to the cause of socialism at the grave of Karl Marx, and became a prominent member of the New Left movement in Britain,
That was most probably before he became aware of the atrocities committed during the Stalinist regime.
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That's even more desperate than the Daily Mail piece. Guilt by association again. What other countries? Nazi Germany? The Soviet Union?


A lot of secrets about British spies were revealed after the Soviet Union fell apart. None showed Ralph Miliband to have been a spy. One of the Cambridge spies actually worked for the Queen. Is she guilty of spying for the Soviets as well?


One of the attributes of being a spy is that you leave little or no trace. Your last sentence indicates a level of stupidity seldom equaled, even on this forum, well done.

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What has Ed Miliband said that makes you think that?


How can he follow the same route as his Father when his Father never joined the Labour Party, or became an MP?


You don't need to be a member of a political party to have the desire to take the country in a particular direction.


He was involved in left-wing politics, and made a personal commitment to the cause of socialism at the grave of Karl Marx, and became a prominent member of the New Left movement in Britain.

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He was involved in left-wing politics, and made a personal commitment to the cause of socialism at the grave of Karl Marx, and became a prominent member of the New Left movement in Britain.

So how is Ed Miliband following that route?

What has Ed Miliband said that makes you think this?

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He was an angry 17 year old kid who had fled on the last boat out leaving half his family behind at the mercy of the Nazis. I think he can be forgiven at that point for not having a full or rational understanding of the world.


More to the point, he got off the boat and saw British fascists marching about and feared the same thing was about to happen here. The whole "almost wish they'd lose the war" comment was clearly expressing a wish that the British people would really understand what was likely to happen if fascism took hold in this country. It's quite obvious who really wanted Britain to lose the war at that time - Lord Rothermere.

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More to the point, he got off the boat and saw British fascists marching about and feared the same thing was about to happen here. The whole "almost wish they'd lose the war" comment was clearly expressing a wish that the British people would really understand what was likely to happen if fascism took hold in this country. It's quite obvious who really wanted Britain to lose the war at that time - Lord Rothermere.


Yeah course he did, you were there too I suppose :suspect:

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Eh? Ralph Miliband didn't join the Labour party because its approach did not suit his ideals. He even wrote a book explaining his reasoning.


Ed Miliband joined the Labour party. And there is no evidence Ed Miliband has any intention of abandoning our parliamentary democracy or changing the constitution to align with his father's views. If you think there is evidence let's have it.


Surely the question is what influences did he come under? Ralph was influenced by people like Harold Laski, even Attlee kept him at a distance.


It is unfair to completely judge Ed in this way, however as the left regularly take pot shots about Bullingdon boys and the influences the Tory front bench are under surely it appropriate for the Labour leaders to come under scrutiny.

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